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Old 02-11-2010, 06:33 PM
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Originally Posted by TexasForever (View Post)
They care what people like or don't like on specific panels with significant statistic samples. Not what internet fans like or don't like. That is the point. Internet fans making claims that the show's ratings go down or not based on their ship is just factually false. There are panels they set up for that and screenings. AND, being part of a big one of those, I can also tell you that most of the times they don't ask even the statistically significant sample. They write the stuff FIRST based on what they want, they make it air, and then they ask for reaction.

What people write on internet boards is irrelevant in terms of ratings for the show. It's other stuff that matters. Specific panels they have for this being one of those.
lol im just going to agree to disagree
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