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Old 01-21-2010, 03:09 PM
Drunk On You
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch #2: Because a talking cat and a magical closet??? Amazing!


snatches of sunshine
- Nina -
Motoko Ayoama
Kiss of Death
I Don't Dance
mint chip
Scheming Star
Hermione Weasley
Hermione Granger/SIZE]

Main Characters:

Memorable Quotes:


Because Harvey and Sabrina were the perfect innocent couple
It taught us how to get even with evil principals
we all wanted to have cute boyfriends like Sabrina
we all wish we had her magical powers
We all wanted a cool cat like Salem
It taught us how to feel when we were outcast
We all had new fashion trends thanks to libby
Harvey and Sabrina will be forever timeless
There were so many awesome Guest stars
It was good enough for Britney
They were keeping it in the family by hiring Emily Hart
even if you though your life was crazy it never compared to a day being Sabrina

Icons: (Last Thread Posted Icons)
By Marki:

About the 7 seasons:

Season 1 Moments:
-Sabrina Turns 16 and gets her magical powers where she puts spells on all of her friends and herself.
- Sabrina Falls for Harvey
- Jenny becomes good friends with Sabrina and Harvey
- We Never Discover what mitosis is
- Shake your Whammy Fanny is a huge hit
- Libby Dominates the school and casts Sabrina as an outsider
- Sabrina and Harvey's First Kiss
- Salem goes missing at Xmas Time
- 12:36
- Zelda, Hilda and Sabrina all get Dough Made Dates

Season 2 Moments:
- Sabrina Fails her Witches Liscence Test and Goes to Bootcamp
- Sabrina Gets a Witch Tutor
- Mr Kraft Has a crush on Hilda
- Harvey and Sabrina see other people
- Valerie is Sabrina's new friend
- Amanda stays over and turns Sabrina into a Doll
- Roland the troll tries to steal Sabrinas heart
- Backstreet Boys Guest Star
- Sabrina has to choose between her mother and magic
- Sabrina Kisses Dashiel

Season 3 Moments:
- Sabrina has to solve the family secret
- Sabrina has to choose between Harvey and Dashiel
- Valerie becomes a Cheerleader
- Hilda and Zelda are Trapped in a halloween party
- Salem Gambles the Family
- Sabrina erases Christmas
- Nsync guest Star
- Zelda and Mr Kraft Become a couple
- Sabrina meets her evil twin Katrina

Season 4 Moments:
- Sabrina goes to live with her father
- Sabrina Watches/Tutors a Witch Student Dreama
- Harvey has a new friend Brad
- Sabrina gets a job at the coffee House
- We meet Josh the College Student
- Sabrina has a crush on Josh and cheats on him
- Sabrina and Harvey and the Prom King and queen
- Mr Kraft Quits his prinicpal job breifly
- Harvey finds out Sabrina is a witch
- Hilda owns a Clock Shop

Season 5 Moments:
- Sabrina goes to college and moves in with Miles, Roxie and Morgan
- Zelda becomes a college professor
- Hilda takes over the Coffee House
- Sabrina has a wild halloween party with real zombies and monsters
- Miles joins a cult
- Hilda loses her biological clock
- Josh dates Morgan
- Sabrina Dates Kevin
- Amanda Attends Witchwright hall
- Sabrina and josh rediscover feelings for each other

Season 6 Moments:
- Harvey Returns and is dating Morgan
- Sisqo Guest stars as a vampire
- The Gang take a trip on the Mystery Train
- Josh and Sabrina work at the local newspaper
- aunt Irms learns Harvey knows that Sabrinas a witch and is tested
-Andy Roddick Guest Stars as a tennis player
- Zelda gets fired as professor
- Hilda finds love and gets married
- Josh and miles leave the show

Season 7 Moments:
- Sabrina works at scorch magazine
- Sabrina leaves her magic with harvey
- Morgan gets a job
- Sabrina falls in love with Aaron
- Harvey Falls in love with sabrina again
- Sabrina and Harvey drive off together for the Final End of the show.

Op from tv thread of it


Last edited by Drunk On You; 01-25-2011 at 11:06 AM
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