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Old 01-21-2010, 12:17 AM
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Josh/Evi #12: The two of them together is an explosion of pretty.

Welcome to the appreciation thread for Josh Holloway (Sawyer) and Evangeline Lilly (Kate)

Pictures of Evi and Josh:

2005 Emmy Awards
Season 2 DVD party


Olga *)
Shiri Appleby
Nymph Marty
bickering love

Josh Quotes About Evie

My favourite moment was right before the kiss with Evi. The build-up to that – the excitement, the tension, the sex between them – is cool.

Of course, just as the director was about to push in for a close-up and the kiss, we had to wrap for the day. Talk about a bummer.

I did as many takes on the kiss scene as I could! Evi and I talked about it. I asked: "Do you want to do the Hollywood kiss or do you want to do a real kiss?" She was like: "I think we should do a real kiss."

Evi is truly amazing. She’s so giving as a person and actress and a pleasure to work with.

And Evangeline, the funniest thing… I've said, she's such a warrior… I had to keep throwing her that biscuit, and she'd miss a few, and she'd just pick it up, brush it off, and... [Holloway mimes throwing a biscuit in his mouth] I was like, 'Yeah!'"

" Evie and I have such a great friendship now. We so trust each other as actors, and that's so key, to be able to be vulnerable. To be able to really open up with each other, and we have a solid friendship and trust. And great relationship with my wife and her. There's a lot of trust there so we are able to actually live it, as best we can.”

" We so trust each other as actors that we are able to actually live it. It's definately not a sexy thing when you've got 80 people [watching]! Well some people might like that- i don't know...[Laughs] Anyway, you get used to it. It's more of a choreographed dance, without it being too choreographed, especially when you're throwing each other into bars and stuff. I was like, "I'm sorry, Evie but i've got to!" and she's like, "go for it!" She's a warrior. I love that." New Magazine January 2007

Josh: "I love the fact that she's so small and frilly and a girl, but she is so willing to warrior up and take a beating on Lost. She's tough. A tough little tomboy."

"It came as a surprise to me, but Evie is really quite a warrior," he says. "She is so petite and pretty, but she is fearless when it comes to taking the pain. I'll say, 'Oh, I don't want to really slam you into those bars,' and she'll say, 'No, throw me!'"Remember that scene where she shimmied up to the top of that big cage? She did that without ropes, over and over again, and I'm like: 'Dang, girl!' So that comes into it, too. I can't let a girl outdo me. I have three brothers. They'd never let me live that down!"

"Apart from being a pretty girl with a hot bod, what makes Evie sexy is her willingness to play. I like a girl who's unafraid to get dirty and throw herself into the physical aspect of what we do. Evie's willing to be a little warrior, and I appreciate that. Yet she maintains her femininity. She's a tomboy, and that's sexy. Climbing out of those freaking cages and jumping down with no rope, no nothin' - she did it every single time, probably ten times. She got huge bruises. I'm protective of her because as our friendship has grown, I've seen that she does crazy s---. Stuff that a stuntperson should do. I'm like a scolding mother to her now. I'm like, 'Hey! That's enough of that! Let someone else do it.'"

“Evie’s most attractive quality is her willingness to just throw herself into sh#t. She’s a pretty girl who’s unafraid to take a big handful of dirt, shove it in her hair and wipe it across her face. She’s always saying, ‘We’re not dirty enough.’”

Evie Quotes About Josh

I told Josh, "There is going to be tongue in this kiss", and he said, "Fine by me!"

He’s the sweetest, most tender-hearted guy – and he’s sexy!

If you take Sawyer and make him really likable, you have Josh.

The sexiest thing about Josh is his dimples. He's just got such a beautiful, genuine smile — it shines from inside out. Because he plays a bad boy on the show, people assume that's how he really is. But Josh is the warmest-hearted guy and he's so chivalrous. He will always carry a bag for a girl or open the door for her, and it's a really, really attractive quality. In so many ways he's a good, old-fashioned Southern man. I think that Sawyer has a very big and vulnerable heart, and I think Josh does, too.

"...One time when the whole cast was together eating dinner, I was sitting next to Josh Holloway, who plays Sawyer, and I turned to him and said, "Josh, how much of Sawyer is Josh?” He looked at me, with those dimples and that grin, and answered, "They're one and the same, honey." Then, I said to him, "How much of Kate do you think is me?” And, he just burst out laughing. "Do you even have to ask? You guys are the exact same person. You are Kate." And I started laughing. And said, "Not really. I think there's differences." He said, "There is not an iota of difference." "You are Kate. You're just not a criminal."

He's the guy who opens doors, carries the bags for woman and makes sure they feel protected. It's a very endearing quality.

The directors did an amazing job and Josh Holloway is just... he's just shining. I think that, of the people I started working with, he's one of the people I'm most impressed with. How he's grown and learned and he's been just stunning everyone with his performances.

I've watched him with women and he is an utter flirt. But it's genuinely sweet, because he makes women feel beautiful and special. My father was the exact same way, so I really understand Josh. Evangeline Lilly - Glamour Magazine

Josh actually DOES call me Freckles a lot off-screen because when he 1st read it he was like "Yeah, that's totally you! You're Freckles!"Evangeline Lilly - Season 2 DVD

I know that's really part of the Southern boy charm in him, part of how he makes people feel special... If i needed a shoulder to cry on, before anyone else in the cast, I'd go to Josh.

What was it like filming the sex scene with Sawyer earlier this series?
"I actually found that easier, as it was the second time I'd taken my clothes off and everything gets better with experience. Weirdly, I felt more covered because I was wrapped up by him. I felt safer."

Josh is like the brother I never had and I love him - more than anything!"

“When I look around everyday at work I think 'wow, what if tomorrow, I don’t know… Josh Holloway was killed off the show? That would mean I’m no longer working and living and breathing with Josh Holloway the way I do so often on the show.“

"He's slowly become a very close friend to me over the years, and he's a treat to work together hand in hand through most of the season, so we've become very good friends, I called him when I got offered this campaign and you know, sort of talked to him about his experience, he had done the endorsement for Cool Water Man, and he spoke very, very, very highly of the company and the agency and he said, you know, "Go for it, do it, it was a great experience, but I'm not coming back."

"Josh and I have a very playful relationship. It's very natural, it's very organic, we're friends. You know, we laugh, and everything is very easy, and when it comes to the work itself, I don't think either of us take it too seriously.

I can't think of too many scenes that Josh and I have actually sat down and in any kind of cerebral manner discussed. It's very gutteral, it's very instinctive. We show up, we try it. Usually the first time we try it, we go "Sure okay." And then we film it. So I think from him, i've learned so much about being in the moment, and just being relaxed and feeling safe."

Josh/Evangeline - The Moments fanvid by Sam (Littlemizz)

Previous Threads
Josh/Evi #1: Evi cant stop praising him!
Josh/Evi #2: "I love him more than anything!" -Evi
Josh/Evi #3: "She's a warrior! I love that!" -Josh
Josh/Evi #4: "Josh actually DOES call me Freckles a lot off screen!" -Evi
Josh/Evi #5: Josh is like the brother she's never had
Josh/Evi #6: "We trust each other as actors and that's key." --Josh
Josh/Evi #7: Mr. and Mrs. Cool Water
Josh/Evi #8: "Josh is a Southern gentleman.. He makes me feel comfortable." -Evi
Josh/Evi #9: "Hey, monkey!" -Josh
Josh/Evi #10: Evi is like the sister he's never had.
Josh/Evi #11: "Josh and I have a very playful relationship. It's very natural, it's very organic, we're friends."
Josh/Evi #12: The two of them together is an explosion of pretty.
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