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Old 01-11-2010, 09:19 PM
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This title is SO appropriate after having watched tonight... SO MUCH foreshadowing.

Ok, I can't wait to comment, and most of my comments are Castle/Beckett, so:

First of all, I must say this episode made me love Castle/Beckett even more... and considering they're my favorite ship anywhere at the moment...

There was so, so much going on beneath the surface tonight that I need to rewatch the episode just to catch more.

The jealousy was so much more intense than I thought it would be. I know they only give us just so much in order to keep them slowlyyy progressing since they supposedly don't get together for a while, so I was honestly surprised by how blatant everything was tonight. We KNOW Beckett loves him, but the hurt was so obvious on her face. I felt really bad until the end.

The worst was when she was going on about Rich wasn't acting like the Castle she knew, and then the chair scene when she KNEW that Castle had kissed the other one (I can't believe there were actually pictures) and she was trying to joke about her chair when that fact was eating at her. Her attempt at excusing the fact that she had him trailed... and Ryan walking up to them.

I just really didn't expect most of what we got.

Honestly, how much more obvious can they get than "He's all yours." and her catching the bouquet? Not that I'm complaining because I love that bit of foreshadowing and the ending had me giddy <3

I'd like to think they intentionally had Kate wear white the "last" day to contrast her with Keira (I don't know how they were spelling her name) They showed that Castle transfered his ideal woman from her to Kate, so it was only fitting that Kate was now the one wearing white.

Last edited by falltopieces; 01-12-2010 at 03:34 PM
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