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Old 04-15-2005, 04:42 AM
Deb D
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Yeah, I agree Cris. I watched Merry Mayhem last night and I didn't like that last scene. It just seemed Joey was still hurt and also being hurtful to Dawson...It seemed that Joey was forgiving of any other male no matter what they did but she held Dawson in such high regard where she could not handle any mistake he might make eg. sending dad to jail, going to Matt Caulfield's party...yet as we see with Pacey she just accepts it (a point he clearly makes in Promicide) Do you thing a part of Joey felt she was not good enough for Dawson? and that still by the end of the show she had not matured enough to have a relationship with someone on equal terms...

*sorry if this post doens't make sense. It's late at night and I'm sure I'll be able to discuss it better later*
: Okay, let's go Turbo...
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