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Old 12-19-2009, 04:53 AM
Stay to the Lights
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Soul Searchers [Stefan♥Elena] #62 ~ Because when life starts pulling us apart, you keep calling me back to your heart


T h r e a d Sixty Two

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1. I Love You, Kiss

If you walk away it's for you because i know what i want.
Stefan, i love you.

2.In the house, makeout "Dont hide from me". and Sex (+Afterglow)

Elena i can't..
Yes you can. Don't hide from me.

3. Stefan cooks her dinner at her house, he tells her things about his past, they kiss

You want to know me right?
And i figured, if your going to dump me, then you should know who you're dumping.

4. Stefan gives Elena a necklace, they kiss on football field

Hope you don't think this is too soon or too weird, but i wanted you to have this. [takes out necklace]
Oh my god it's beautiful
It's something I've had forever and i've never wanted to give it to anyone, til now. I'd very much like it if you would wear it for me, for good luck.

5. Car wash scene

Okay sorry, so not sexy
I disagree.

6. Elena turns up at Stefans house, first kiss

I met a girl, we talked. It was epic. And the sun came up and reality set in. Well this is reality, right here.

7. Stefan goes over to Elena's.. she pulls him inside, they makeout in her room

Hi. *Kiss*
*Makeout in bedroom*
Maybe we should press pause
Yeah, your probably right. That was getting a bit..

8. First meeting outside of the bathroom

*Elena and Stefan bump into each other*
Uh, Pardon me, Is this the men's room?
Yes.. uh i was just.. um.., it's a long story.
*finally lets her pass*
Thank you.

9. Stefan tells Elena he can't be around her, that he is leaving town

I'm sorry Stefan, i thought i couldn't be with you, but i can.
You don't have to push me away. I can do this.
I can't. I have to leave, Elena. Too many people have died, too much has happened.
What? No, i know you think your protecting me..
I have to.. coming home, was a mistake.
I can't be a part of your life anymore.
Don't go Stefan..please don't go.

10. Hug in parking lot

I'm fine. We're fine. That's what matters

Last edited by Stay to the Lights; 12-19-2009 at 12:43 PM
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