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Old 11-18-2009, 04:39 AM
Supreme Fan

Joined: Jul 2007
Posts: 9,381
I might have had a little more sympathy for Clay if he hadn't been inept from the start.

In 701 when Nathan was doing the body spray commercial, they made a point of mentioning it was Nathan's ONLY endorsement deal at that time - and it was Clay's responsiblity to get him more, which he hadn't done.

Throughout the whole Renee storyline, Clay told Nathan they wouldn't try to get a paternity test even though Nathan wanted one, was an arrogant pain in the ass, ignored Nathan's calls and turned off his phone because he was with Quinn, and generally walked around like he had no idea what he was doing. When Nathan told Clay he didn't want him hanging around Quinn, Clay promised he wouldn't... and then lied when directly asked if Quinn was with him. Even after Ghost Sara told him to fix it, he did nothing. If it hadn't been for Dan, Renee would probably still be causing trouble now.

And then the contract screw up. Clay promised Nathan he knew what he was doing, and that he would get Nathan what he wanted. Not only did he fail to do that, but he had no idea the team was talking to anybody else and had no idea they'd made a press release about it. Why? Because of Quinn. Again.

Was Nathan unreasonable to be partly blaming Quinn? Given that she was being a distraction, not really. Was Nathan wrong to consider Quinn the last straw? Again, not really, considering Clay proved that Nathan couldn't trust his word about that or much of anything else. Clay hasn't done any of the things he promised to do, he's done a lot of things he promised not to do, and Quinn has been the catalyst for almost all of it.
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