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Old 11-08-2009, 08:25 PM
Roaming Tigress
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For the most part, I thought this was a fluffy episode but still good.

Loved Lynette's involvement in the storyline tonight. It's about time that she has more involvement in the main mysteries. Now, if only we can get more Gaby involvement . . .

On that subject, Gablos' storyline was my favorite, tied with Lynette's. The glare Juanita gave Gaby was hilarious and the last scene between Gablos was sweet.

Oh, Bree. I loved her interactions tonight with Angie and am looking forward to see where they'll be going with this.

Susan's storyline was fluff IMO, but still fun. It's amazing in a pathetic sort of way how long of a grudge high school students can hold.
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