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Old 11-05-2009, 05:25 PM
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^ So adorable! Such a great way to show how far she's come and how she a way. I really loved it.

Apparently there was a NCIS article in a french magazine and Michael and Cote were both asked whether or they wanted their characters to get together and Cote said something along the lines of, it would be a little weird because she's known Michael for years and he's like her brother but she wouldn't mind because 'he's not bad' and 'smells good' and Michael said it would ruin the show, because it ruined Dark Angel and he has to pay for his kid to go to college so he doesn't want them to get together until the end.

Nothing we haven't really heard before, Michael being Michael, but I think he's wrong about it ruining the show. If they wait till the last season (and I don't think they will), so many fans will self combust before they even get there. I like that's he's so cautious about it though, about getting it right but still, Michael!
she's a maniac;
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