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Old 10-26-2009, 10:04 AM
Burning Up A Sun
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Originally Posted by tv-fan189 (View Post)
Yeah it definately wasn't very shippery but still, I was too much of a Spike fan and hate when he wears his heart on his sleave only to get turned down I could have sworn she was so into those pool scenes. Like she wanted it as much as he did in those instances imo. To me it was obvious the chemistry was mutual, especially when she was like 'you got off on that?' Clearly she was masking the fact that she was enthralled in her disgust.

Imagine MY disgust when she threw month at him like he was a common whore. It was just so sad for me to see. I never rewatch that part, I only skip forward because it's so cringeworthy
I hate when any character I love does that. I mean they put themselves out there and then get shut down so fast. Oh she was so interested. I think she felt something and that's why she did what she did after they went outside. And she was always turned on by slaying... Faith told her she was but Buffy didn't want to seem like she actually enjoyed it because to her it was just a job.

I don't really watch FFL too much just because of that scene. I know that's stupid because the rest of the episode pretty much pwns but that part is just too much for me.

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