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Old 03-30-2005, 07:56 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Sep 2002
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I see what you're saying shannon. I don't think it was written in stone. Even when he said where's this coming from, her only excuse was Eddie. I don't think the writers wrote that as a permanent ending to PJ. There was a little too much PJness. Joey even said it's been in the back of her mind, the things he said to her. The pro column. She was looking forward to seeing him on a regular basis. She said her life sucks without him. At the end of 614, she said you know what else "we never did". Even in 622, when PJ are talking at the bar, Joey says she's going to wash her hands clean of both or them. Then, she turns back and gives Pacey a smile. The last DJ scene was Dawson saying he's afraid to close his eyes because Joey will be gone. Then, she left. Also, she laughed at his comment about them sleeping in the same bed would be dangerous. Also, when she gave him the letter and he was at the ruins I think he thought she wanted to see him. He obviously firgured out that it was about getting him and Dawson there together later. I think the writers really wanted PJ, even if Stupin was going to write a DJ ending

I will say this one thing - Eddie didn't bother me too much in the beginning of Season 6, but as the episodes moved forward and the series came to its finale, his character really rubbed me the wrong way. But I see why he was there. He was the distraction for Joey. Since she was still running from what she truly wanted (PACEY!!!), she needed a distraction from what her heart was telling her. Luckily, that distraction didn't last very long.
I agree finally. Joey was scared of her feelings for Pacey. I could see it during those season 6 episodes
is it true you went out with Joshua Jackson last year?
Katie Holmes: I fell in love for the first time and it was something so incredible and indescribable that I will always treasure it.

KH asked about kissing her ex (JJ) in front of the cameras all day:

"Maybe there's a hint of realism?"
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