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Old 09-28-2009, 09:48 PM
i never learn
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Joined: Jun 2005
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jana is amazing as alex. in fact, she's the only new character i don't find totally annoying at this point. my favorite part was when she arrived at cob and brooke grabbed her face and then plopped her down in the chair. sophia and jana have mad, bitchy chem together.

shantel is horrible as quinn. seriously, if she says haleybob one more time, blah. i wish they would have found someone who had more of a spark with joy, like lindsey did. beyond the sisterly role though, i feel like all the james women have this certain snark about them, which they've tried to instill in quinn, but shantel just looks awkward doing.

same thing with robert, only he's a good actor, i just don't think he fits in on this show. except him and joy have chem, i think, yet him calling her hales is ANNOYING! i'd be down if they had an affair tbh though, just saying.

why is haley once again being portrayed as the bad guy? although, joy is hot when she's all feisty like that. the worst part was haley making excuses for nathan as if he is the only one who got married and had a child at a young age. so did she, hello writers! and please, nathan is not worth twenty million bucks, lmfao.
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