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Old 09-28-2009, 12:21 PM
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TKMK all the way!!

"There's so much going on beneath the surface with Taylor that you're always trying to figure out what he's
thinking or what he'll do next. He's able to pull off this while mysterious thing, which is really sexy."
- Minka Kelly on Taylor Kitsch

"What's really sweet and admirable about Taylor is his relationship with his Mom. She's his best friend,
and he helps her around the house and is very involved with his two little sisters. He's very family-oriented
and never tries to impress anyone. He's simple and low-maintenance and doesn't care at all how he looks.
If anything, he tries to downplay his looks on the show. He's so anti-pretty boy, you wouldn't believe it."
- Minka Kelly on Taylor Kitsch

"And he's so fun to work with! Taylor has the best sense of humor - very dry. All day he cracking jokes, making you laugh."
- Minka Kelly on Taylor Kitsch

Q: Do you think it’s completely over between Lyla and Tim Riggins?

“You know, I hope not. Because there’s so much to be [found] in all that stuff."
- Minka Kelly on Tyla's future
“It seems like Riggins still carries a torch for her.”
- Minka Kelly on Tim about Lyla
”Beautiful… beautiful.”
- Taylor Kitsch on Minka Kelly
"I think she has a lot of unexpected feelings for Tim... I don’t think she actually realized she would fall
for him. She’s fighting against it, but you can’t help the feelings you get whether you want to or not."
- Minka Kelly on Lyla's feelings for Tim

“Sure. I think she for him as well. Absolutely. You can’t deny the passion. And there was something there, whether she wanted to admit it or not.”
- Minka Kelly on Tyla

Q: Does it ever get intimidating, to work this way?

Taylor: ”Yeah! [To Minka Kelly, who was sitting nearby]. Do you remember
when we were getting the scripts for episodes 4, 5, 6, and how intense it all was
and we were like, ‘How do they know we can even do this?’”
Minka: “Absolutely. They trust us with this?”
Taylor: “But it’s so rewarding too.”

“The only person who understood her was Tim… there was an unspoken understanding because they
were desperate for real feelings that just happen. There was so much more meaning behind it."
- Minka Kelly on Tyla

Peter Berg (exec producer/director/writer) sat directly in front of me, Minka Kelly (who plays Lyla
Garrity) sat next to Peter, and Taylor Kitsch sat next to Minka. I couldn't help but notice Minka and
Taylor because Minka's relatives (I think her parents, or if not, an aunt and uncle) sat next to me, and
the woman beside me brushed back Minka's hair and played with her ponytail just before the episode
screened, in a very maternal gesture. Minka and Taylor noticed, of course, and as Minka turned to
smile at her mom/aunt, Taylor flipped the ends of his own hair back towards Minka's mom/aunt as
if to ask her to play with his hair, too, before turning to grin at her. It was really very sweet.
- Fan Encounter

do you believe me?
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