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Old 09-23-2009, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Pure.Magic (View Post)
Oh lordy, they are wet, he is half naked, on the beach, its a perfect scene for somew heavy making out, but ugh, Bella decides to get drowned.
Stupid Bella...

That point in the series timeline is the perfect place to begin something; either picking up before or after she jumps. It was like, the point to where things could/should have changed but didn't

Okay! Happy thoughts! Let's go!

Originally Posted by HaleyBub (View Post)
The setting is so perfect for something else.
Dude, srsly.. All he had to do was lean down a little more and all she had to do was be less post-drowning and BAM! (pun intended )

Ash! I need you in my life for smut-fic-recs! Last night I was trying to find some at but that place is hella scary when you're looking for Twilight fics. I saw some pretty disturbing stuff. I don't think I wanna go there again by myself!
*snort* I know it! Well hey, I rely on you guys for fic recommendations As far as smut fics go... hmm... Maybe it's time to re-read Bad Jacob again? OR! OH! The Furnace/Ashes series? Those are oldies but goodies!
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