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Old 09-23-2009, 07:11 PM
Ultimate Fan

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Posts: 8,751
BlackSwan {Jake&Bells} #76: Because “in so many real ways, [she] did love him.”

Welcome to the 76th JacobBella Appreciation Thread

"A black swan is a large-impact, hard-to-predict, and rare event beyond the realm of normal expectations. Almost all consequential events in history come from the unexpected—while humans convince themselves that these events are explainable in hindsight."
001. TessShipper 002. Evil Cherry 003. daritah 004. tu es mon ame 005. Black mamba006. Centerfinn 007. lucy_black 008. _Jmarit_ 009. Undeniable 010. revolution. 011. kyleschick 012. Christy January 013. kmgproductionz 014. DreamWalker 015. Chris016. Spike it up 017. soul_rebel 018. How Cute Is She 019. beautifullybroken 020. Lazy Cat 021. jahnnabanana 022. Ember. 023. ancientshadows 024. ordinaryday 025. Ginevra_Girl 026. Antiquity 027. RiSSLESz 028. katbadtz 029. loonylionsloverlp 030. JLaffertyFan23 031. *Fergie* 032. Dorkodancer147 033. heroes_and_oth_fan 034. YellowRose 035. othfan628036. kj0600 037. matchesgurl07 038. Wynter 039. alseria 040. lafs1684 041. Woeisme 042. thegirlinquestion_x 043. forblueskiesxx 044. lexi1793 045. bittersweet faith046. chughes 047. sweet_zelda 048. _BlackSwan 049. MusicIsMyLife 050. oth is love051. Jowee 052. TinySnapdragon 053. 4N6 DNA 054. Redlight-Electr0 055. fading hope056. sharstarz07 057. **SuperGirl** 058. icy rainbow 059. ~inside_of_love~ 060. loveloveme061. infalliable love 062. Lives in the Stars 063. IAm... 064. Zutfan05 065. starznangelz 066. autumn_hope 067. funfuzgirlstalkermagnet 068. colorblind 069. courtneybangelcakes 070. McAwesome 071. ryllsome 072. Emma_Mills 073. X_Anything-n-Everything_X 074. HaleyBub 075. Courtz_BV 076. Kimmi 077. kissmesweet 078. .:HumBug:. 079. natural_disaster 080. sarah11650 081. shesaidmexter 082. BlackHalo 083. sweet joy 084. eiluvial 085. How-Very-girl629 086. Scribblekiss 087. SaraLove8 088.TulieMajulie7 089. havanaxnights 090.Shining Light 091.Lukacd 092.GrhmLz 093.Peyton89 094. X3Nerd 095. ThirteenCandles 096. Pure.Magic .097 Miss-J .098 alysummers .099 Rusted Silhouette .100 Augusta .101 barneyrocks 102. InTheClouds 103. Jlw43081 104. redrose13 105. laliXD 106. strawbles 107. NUM YUMMY 108. Soleya 109. milestogo 110. Motoko Ayoama 111. NBalways 112. sort of beautiful 113. BeautifulMistakex 114. az2008 115. ssbailey 116. Wildfire Girl 117. tsudandi 118. Edward_Bella1988 119. MissMarie 120. stellalovesLP 121. Silviq 122. Brucasfanalways 123. daydream-believer 124. Chelocean 125. TheSweetestSmile 126. Dragonfly 127. crazy-shipper 128. breaking silence 129. TwiFan26 130. McNugget 131. toxicgurl169 132. Kelly_Dylan 133. Mooney <3 134. PrettyAn 135. jules!136.Fairy* 137.Queen of Babble 138.B.Chambers 139. barbeegurl00 140. all2him1

01. Science 02. Charlie 03. Reality


"First off, I love Jacob & Bella because it came so naturally for them, and the way they fell in love with each other is very realistic. I believe they are soulmates even in the world of vampires and werewolves. And "People who are meant to be together, always find their way in the end." I believe that is true and that Bella & Jacob will somehow find their way to each other in the end."
"I love Jacob and Bella for many reasons but the main one is that they both really care about one another. Jacob may be a werewolf but Bella doesn't mind. She was scared for him when she thought he would die and kissed him to persuade him not to endanger himself. He stayed to fight for her even after Edward took her away. She ran away from Edward to see him whenever she had the chance. She wasn't scared of seeing Jacob as a werewolf like she was with seeing Edward as a vampire, and because he is her air and her sun and she saw her whole life with him."
"I love Jacob and Bella because they are real. Their realtionship is relatable and they have this understanding of each other that can't be described. They don't have to ask questions, they just know who the other person is. They love the person for who they are entirely and really mean the world to each other. You can see them at their happiest when they are together, laughing and just being themselves. When they hug, it is like they never want to let go. You can feel their chemistry in the book. Jacob is her personal sun, and they have a relationship that transcends labels and names - they are just Jake and Bells."
"I love JB for many reasons. I think that Jacob brings out the best in Bella. Whenever I read New Moon or Eclipse -- well, any of the Jacob and Bella scenes, really -- I feel like Bella is an actual person. I can hear her laugh and see her just having a good time. Jacob brings out a literal sunny side of her and it makes me so happy. Another reason I love Jacob and Bella together is because they make sense. I know what you are thinking: Edward and Bella make sense too 'cause they're in a relationship. Yes I know that. But...if vampires and magic and all that stuff did not exist, Jacob and Bella would still have been friends. Then they would have progressed to more than friends."
-How Cute Is She
"I love JB -
Because they are real.
Because they make me laugh,cry and fall in love all at the same time.
Because they know how the other is feeling without speaking a word.
Because they can laugh and have fun with each other.
Because they are equal in every way.
Because they dont have to change who they are to be with each other.
Because even when everyone gave up on Bella, Jacob took care of her and made her feel half alive again.
Because they arent enough words to describe how I felt about them "
" They were the one thing about the magical yet somehow strangely unmoving story SM had to tell, that I truly believed in, they made me laugh, and cry, and made my heart ache. They were the only real, honest and meaningful thing she wrote.

To me, Love is loving when you know there's a great chance of it ever happening, loving inspite of it being a losing battle for you. Thats how Jacob loved Bella. He was there for her when all the people she’d come to rely on left her “for her own good”. He pulled her out of the darkness, became the reason for her to go on when she didnt have any and he did it all with his heart on his sleeve, knowing that she probably would never be able to love him the same way. Yet he never regretted loving her, or ever wanted not to love her. I could see the world ending, but I could NOT see a day when Jacob WOULDNT love Bella. He didnt need some supernatural stuff to make him fall in love with Bella, his human heart and feelings did it ALL by itself. And that what makes their love greater, no magic invloved, no imprinting, no bloodlust. Just pure unadulterated love. He brought to her life, the one element that was missing - humanity. She cringed at the idea of marriage, she loathed her mortality, she'd never imagined having children. But with Jake, she saw all of that and she wanted all of that. The best thing was that she didnt feel that she had to change to fit in, to feel like she belonged. She could be herself, plain, clumsy Bella with him. And I liked who she was with him. She was strong, confident, she laughed, she wasnt afraid to be stupid and be reckless.

With JB, there was build-up, there was a journey. I could feel what Bella felt for Jacob. I smiled with her in response to Jake's smile, I swooned when she finally kissed him, I cried with her for what she saw as her future with Jake, I felt her healing through Jacob, I felt their connection. I felt what JB meant to each other. Long romantic speeches and big declarations were not needed. Their love was evident in the small things. How hard he tried to make her happy, how he understood that she wasnt ready and was willing to wait till she was, how easily he sensed what she was feeling and how she understood what he was thinking just by looking into wolf!Jacob's eyes, how words truly werent needed, how fiercely possesive and protective she was of him, how easy it was for her to smile when he was around, how he made breathing easier, how his pain felt like her own.

What they have is what I'd want for myself."
"When Bella first went to Jacob on a mission to be reckless she was nothing more than a zombie simply going through the motions of life, alive but barely existing, and he alone lit up her world again and became her personal sunshine. He brought her back to life, taught her how to live again, saved her from becoming a mere shell of a person. Around him she laughed and had fun, craved his smile, felt real and genuine emotions again for the first time in forever. When he was hurting she felt his pain like it was her own, was willing to run away with him if it would make his pain stop. For most of the books she loathed her own mortality and feared growing older, but when they kissed she imagined having kids with him and growing old with him, years passing and meaning something as they did so. She imagined a future with him. He may have been a werewolf, but there was nothing mystical about how they fell in love, it was a result of a beautiful friendship that became something more and was totally natural. She even admitted to herself that in the non-mystical world Jacob was her soulmate, that they would have been together and happy. The kind of love they share is exactly what I someday hope to find too. "
-Shining Light
"I love them simply because of how undeniable their connection is and because this is love in its purest form. They adore, admire and fully appreciate each other and that drives me crazy with fangirling thoughts. Until her heart stops beating and even after that his love for her is beyond any other I have ever known. One word description - warmth. "
-Sort Of Beautiful
" Jacob and Bella have the most romantic, real, healthy, and silly relationship I have ever come across. I love that they feel completely comfortable enough around each other to be able to tease and laugh at each other without fear of hurting one another. I love that they’re the type of couple who will never fall out of love, and their relationship will never be forced. I love that while he agrees to fix the bikes with her even though he knows she could—and probably will--get hurt, he’s always there by her side to make sure she’s okay. I love that he’s her own personal sun, and that his light alone was able to pull her out of the deepest darkness she’s ever known. I love that he knows her inside and out without the help of anything but his own observation skills. I love that he never left her when she needed him. I love how easy it is to picture their future because it’s hard not to feel alive and warm when you think of them. I love how he never lies to her--even when he first phases and is forbidden to tell her anything he still helps her figure out what he has become. I love that they are so deeply connected that they can tell what the other is thinking without words. But most of all I love how he makes her feel beautiful and perfect, and she does the same for him. We should all be so lucky to find a love and connection like they share. "
- ssbailey
" I will admit that at first I got interested in the saga because of Taycob. I never though I would fell in love with JB considering EB were supposed to be THE couple. Well, it happened anyway, I read New Moon and found myself attracted by that couple. Something I like about this couple is that there has been a build up, they were acquaintances at first, then became friends, bestfriends and the last step they realized they were in love with each other. I trully think that if they had lived in a world where magic did not exist, they would be growing old together today. Jacob treats Bella like a human being, he fully knows that she can get hurt but if she wants to know the truth, he will never lie to her, because it is her life afterall. She is the one who has to make her choices at the end of the day and he respected that, like he respected her choice to choose Edward over him.
“If you ever feel like having a life (again), you could come see me”. Jacob could not be more accurate, I believe Bella had the best time of her life when she was spending time at LaPush with Jacob, even if she would deny it. Because we relate to her when reading, we go through the same emotions as she goes throughout the books and I personally only felt plain happy when reading her scenes with Jacob. They truly have a love that is beyond everything else, beyond friendship, beyond love, beyond soulmates, it is something that you can not explain. He was there for me, I can’t not try to help him, I can’t give up on him now are words which came from Bella’s mouth towards Jacob, you don’t say that if you are not feeling strong feelings for somebody.
One can not live without the sun and Jacob was Bella’s own little sun afterall."
- MotokoAyoama


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01. Fix You - Coldplay 02. Near to You - A Fine Frenzy 03. Ashes and Wine - A Fine Frenzy 04. Open Your Eyes - Snow Patrol 05. I Was A Werewolf - The Revolution Smile

06. Collide - Howie Day 07. Never Wanna See You Cry - Richard Ashcroft 08. Make This Go On Forever - Snow Patrol 09. The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars 10. I'll Be Waiting - Lenny Kravitz.

11. Hysteria - Muse 12. Come Back To Me - Plain White T's 13. For you I will - Teddy Geiger 14. Run - Snow Patrol 15. With Me - Sum 41

16. White Flag - Dido 17. You- Switchfoot 18.Play Crack the Sky - Brand New 19. Because You Loved Me - Celive Dion 20. You Make It Real - James Morrisson

"we don't have to do this to each other."
"yes, we do."
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