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Old 09-21-2009, 10:06 PM
Obsessed Fan

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The Romantics (NH+J)#1091:B/C I know there is no other place then right here with you

Nathan Scott was known for getting what he wanted. Anything he wanted. He had the looks, the athletic talent, the family name, the money, the popularity, the influence. He wasn’t afraid to use it. What more was there? But, he wasn’t fulfilled. Haley James was known for being unknown. She was the uniquely quirky intelligent bookworm, with no status, no major popularity, and seemingly no outward special talents. She had an upbringing and lifestyle that in no way paralleled Nathan’s. She lived life playing by the rules, and defining excellence by said rules. Yet, she wasn’t fulfilled.

All of that would change when the boy who always gets what he wants entered the girl’s orbit. He saw the diamond in the rough. He dared her to move. He dared her to take risks, dream big, think outside of the box. He dared her to share her big heart, hidden talents, and incredible beauty with the world. She believed the boy, she learned to do so, and the world didn’t end. Just the opposite, life truly began. Likewise, she dared him to move. She dared him to believe, just believe. She dared him to believe in himself, believe in his worth, believe in his goodness, believe in his infinite potential, believe he was more than good enough. He believed the girl, he learned to do so, and the world didn’t end. Just the opposite. True love… Always and forever was born.
Always and forever has seen the highest highs and the lowest lows. Together, these high school sweethearts have set the world ablaze. They haven’t always been perfect, they've lost some battles, they’ve made mistakes, and they’ve failed, but they’ve found that true love is a place where forgiveness is right where you fell, and redemption has stories to tell. They’ve grown as individuals, and in their relationship. They’ve shared shed tears, they’ve shared laughter, they’ve shared loss and anguish, they’ve shared dreams coming true, and they’ve shared starting a family. The bad and the ugly that comes with the good? It’s all been worth it, it’s been everything, because these two know that without each other, without their love, nothing else matters.

What happens next? Who knows, but we know this: True love is timeless. True love triumphs. True love stares odds down and defies them. True love believes that the sky is the limit and all things are possible. True love is… Always and Forever. We’re betting on Nathan and Haley. Always and Forever.

We are the R o m a n t i c s, the community dedicated to the unexpected romance that blossomed between Nathan Scott and Haley James-Scott on the CW hit "One Tree Hill."

l i s t

their love is
m e m o r i e s

f a v o r i t e s

f a v o r i t e s

f a v o r i t e s

Oh, Life is short, Love is sweet Ain't no time like this time baby

Last edited by andie07; 09-21-2009 at 10:21 PM
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