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Old 09-21-2009, 09:37 AM
Rick Shrell
New Fan
Joined: Sep 2009
Posts: 4
Jim Henson's Dog City

OK, so anyone on this thread please tell me why Dog City never became a big hit. If you don't remember Dog City I wrote a small blurb about it below. By far it is one of my favourite cartoon programs of all time. It contained both action, adventure, comedy, puppetry, and the plots carried a nice essence of the film noire genre- what more could someone as for.

If anyone doesn't remember the show, I'll give brief reminder- Dog City had a puppetry portion and a cartoon portion. The first portion with the puppets usually had Elliot Shag a cartoon artist interacting wit his lead character in his cartoon Ace Hart or with his neighbors. Usually Elliot Shag would have a real life problem and somehow his cartoon plots would relate to it. The second portion on the other hand was cartoon and was about the adventures of Ace Hart a K9 private eye. It would be cool to see Ace Hart sometimes interact with his animator right in the middle of the cartoon to effect the outcome of the situation he was in. For example when Ace Hart was in a trap he would yell to Elliot for help, in which case Elliot would animate a tool which would help Ace escape.

(Edited - links to other sites are not allowed).

Last edited by vc318; 09-21-2009 at 02:43 PM
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