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Old 09-09-2009, 09:05 AM
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restlesshearts24's Avatar
Joined: Feb 2009
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the pretty;

these words are my heart & soul;
I continue to and will always ship CB because they embody everything that I envision as being important for Epic Love Status. I know they are different than every other couple I have ever shipped, because even when I don't get to see CB I still obssess like crazy and can't stop thinking about them.
They are the same, and complete eachother and can trust eachother and know who they really are, and they can be strong independently and even more so together. And they emmulate what real, being in love should be.
I ship them because I get butterflies when I see them and I honestly truly love everything about them, and I know that they are meant to be, and they, Chuck and Blair, is the kind of love I want to have someday.

Why do I still ship CB ? I'd say the bestest answer is "because they are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck". This could seem very commonplace and cliché but I think this answer is the only one which sums up perfectly why I still ship them.
They are unique. They are the only one ship which makes me cry, laugh so hard or being emo for days because of their beautiful scenes. Love is CB, and no one could love Chuck or Blair the way they love each other. When two great characters like Chuck and Blair collide, hotness, epicness and love get a real sense.
T They can only be themselves around each other, no one can accept their evil side except for Chuck & Blair. They are going through a hard time right now but their love is still strong and that's what will save them in the end because they're Chuck & Blair. Blair & Chuck, they can't just move on from each other, they never will they're gonna find their way back.

I still ship them because they are meant for one and other they are only Chuck and Blair when they are together, Chuck is not Chuck without Blair, and Blair is not Blair without Chuck. I believe that they will find their way back to each other and bring back the friendship they had and what it brought to their lives.

His eyes are empty, almost afraid and almost sad and almost asking. He doesn't have to. She throws herself on him, against his strong back, and she takes the weight it carries; she curls herself around him. Around Chuck Bass, his aching loneliness and pain and anger: the beast in the cage, who knows the tigers and the monsters in her and doesn't care at all. The worst thing she's ever done, the darkest thought she's ever had, and Chuck Bass loves her for them. Around Charles, the good strong son, the calm and patient boyfriend he waits so eternally to be, to stand with her through anything, if he were only brave enough. Around Charlie Trout, limp as a doll, leaning back against her, being held. I am me, and you are you. She calls him back across the line, with her arms around him, and everything drains out until there's nothing left, just pieces she collects and holds together. With all the strength in that tiny fierce frame.
Jacob, TWOP
their epic story;

love lost; crystal jealousy;hearts break; feigning avoidance

these words are my heart & soul;
Why wouldn’t I? I seriously am at a loss as to how people can, not ship them? They are such a unique couple,
both so afraid of being vulnerable and opening up to another human being,
yet they are both so fiercely in love with each other that they can’t hide it.
Ed&Leighton bring such amazing chemistry to CB as well. Every time they are even close to touching I get goose bumps.
They are just absolutely fantastic and for that and so many other reasons that I can’t even count I still ship them.

I still ship them because I never been so obsess about a TV couple in all my life and
I’m not a teenager anymore.
They are a huge part of my life for more than a year now and I can’t
wait to see them together. They are absolutely perfect for each other and I
love them so much.
They are just an amazing couple and the chemistry is there whether
they're together or not.

I SHIP CB BECAUSE they're push-and-pull, love-and-hate, will they-won't they, but at the same time,
they can meet in the middle. He knows her insecurities and loves
her bitchy side. She sees a different side of him than the rest of the world.
Their relationship is so perfectly dysfunctional that you just can't look away.
They started out as a meaningless fling and, over the span of a year, became a TV
couple that will more than likely be remembered long after Gossip Girl is finished.
the pretty;

their epic story;

love re-conquered; second chances;forgiving love; never giving up

these words are my heart & soul;

There's only one prince in the world who loves her enough, who has saved up his love for all his life just for her,
without knowing it,until it threatens to split his seams. They both know it could end the world.
'So they wrap it up in ribbons and call it by other names, and when it
burns too hot they take out their knives and fight, to keep it from destroying them both.
Jacob, TWOP
“Blair Waldorf is better when she's bad. Why can't she just lose the loser boyfriend who's obsessed with her best friend,
and buddy up with Chuck "drunk off his ass" Bass? Nothing serious of course. But certainly a better use of her time,
considering all they have in common. Both are skilled at scheming and excluding those
they deem unworthy. Both are self-centered, rude, and yet
somehow, still sort of likeable. They could just be the series real golden couple."
korbi, spoilertv
I don't want this moment to ever end;

their epic story;
the meeting; the games;the make out sessions; never giving up

[++ Can't get enough ]
You're everything I need
Laura icon: florencia7
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