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Old 01-02-2004, 09:54 PM
Starless Night 20
Master Fan

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OOC: [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]


Frodo couldn't seem to find his voice when the angelic girl spoke to him, even though he needed and wanted to so very badly. But no matter how hard he tried, no words came to Frodo's tongue. The girl had cast a spell upon him, causing his voice to leave him and his heart to race. Then another young girl entered the room, breaking Frodo's thoughts. Or lack there of. Both the girl and the angel seemed to know each other, and Frodo suddenly felt out of place. And short. Even though the chestnut-haired seraph was fairly short compared to all the other mortals that inhabited the land they were now in, she was still a good foot taller than him. Frodo simply stood there after the girl had posed a question, asking what they were up to. What were they up to? Nothing. Frodo was simply admiring, searching for words, and the girl went about her day as if he were nothing. Though she knew his name. How did she know?

"Oh, um, yes. Frodo. That is my name." Frodo felt utterly foolish as he rambled on, stumbling over his words. " do you know it, if I may ask?"
Continue to give yourself to others because that’s
the ultimate satisfaction in life - to love, accept, honor, and help others.
- Sarah Ruhl, "Eurydice."

icon credit: spikesbint on LJ
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