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Old 08-22-2009, 09:51 PM
Miss Kenton
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Well welcome Kara! I'm Yaz. It's great to have you with us.

I know what you mean Liliya, everytime I look at the pic Ducky seems to be doing something different. It's just such a weird position and then his expression is weird as well so it's hard to tell what exactly he's doing.

But, she was going through a lot and sometimes you may say things that you don't necessarily mean.
That is true. She was going through a lot and actually Tony wasn't bothering her about it, like he did in Recoil where he just kept picking at her and picking at her. He was actually understand I'd say in this episode, and caring which shows you how much he cares for her.
I love you. Remember that. Always. For all eternity.
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