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Old 08-14-2009, 08:10 PM
Obsessed Fan

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Originally Posted by PiCkLeS4dAwSoN (View Post)
I'll try finding it, and post it for you.

So, I saw it. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it, like I was expecting/hoping. They seriously butchered it for me, compared to the book. Eric and Rachel did great with what they were given, which wasn't as awesome as I was hoping it'd be though. :/ I definitley prefer the book. So everything I've said about, already preferring the movie, yeah...not so much, lol. I still adore Henry/Clare though.
Thanks for sharing, Anji. I haven't seen it yet (I'll be seeing it tomorrow), but I already had a sinking feeling about this movie ever since I glanced at critic Roger Ebert's review of it. I know they people will say what do critics know? I know critics' opinions do not go hand in hand with movigoers' opinions, but my opinions tend to side with the critics most times.

Even with hearing most people (so far) gushing about how good it was, how romantic it was, and how they cried, etc... I still got a bad feeling. I was thinking, "Oh, no, let it not be another Notebook."

Anyway, I think I'm going to share your sentiments. Although I loved the trailer, I was a bit thrown by the tone of it because it didn't feel like the book's tone. Hopefully, my gut feeling will be proved wrong when I see it tomorrow. I still can't wait!
"It's the Capitol I hate, for doing this to all of us." -- Katniss

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