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Old 08-12-2009, 06:20 AM
☆ a million stars ☆
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Thanks for the new thread Kris

Love the OP so far

Here's some reposts from the last thread just to get the ball rolling.

"And I suppose I'm the girl you want screaming and begging for mercy." When Loki made a comment on how cute Annalise's smile was, the smile quickly dropped. Sure, she had a smirk or a grin now and then but they were for different reasons.

When Loki had gotten to the part about massaging her back and that she had to take her clothes off, Annalise felt as if she had been punched in the gut. Had it not been for that stupid contract the two had with one another, Annalise would have out right kicked Loki out of her house.

Then again, the way he had been kissing and touching her the past five minutes had put Annalise in a state of mind that she had never been in before. For that brief moment, she found herself in a relaxed state, a kind of feeling that she had never been in before.

With one hand, Annalise reached up and placed it atop of Loki's head. Letting out a groan as he kissed her on the neck, she spoke. "You know, it's easier to stop now before we both get in to a situation we wouldn't want to be in."

She made an attempt to make it sound as if it were a tease but in her mind, even she could not help but feel a bit nervous on where this would eventually lead up to with Loki.

He looked down at the little boy for a few more minutes, not exactly sure what he should do. If the two had met back in the homelands, there was no doubt that Adrian would have killed Hansel, along with the kid's sister Gretel. The kid before him, however, remained quiet, apparently untrustworthy of the Pied Piper.

He would have been more than willing to let the kid be on his way, but there was the possible chance that the child before him may remember the route back to where Adrian lived. Something that he wasn't looking forward to.

"I'm going to ask you again. Do you know where you live little child?"
Glenda felt bad about being out for so long. Maybe if she had woken up earlier, she may have seen him coming. When Oliver told her about Astra being trapped, she wished she could do something to make sure she was safe, but she couldn't. Oliver loved Astra and Glenda had to respect it because she was his best friend and Astra was her friend in a way anyway.
"Oh no!" she exclaimed horrified. "I really hope they don't do any harm to her. I hate to be here, but I wish that we were all in the same cell so Astra wouldn't have to be alone."
She wanted to hold on to Oliver in his time of need. Hold him and never let go. They were both vulnerable being trapped and they only had eachother.
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