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Old 08-11-2009, 08:08 AM
Dedicated Fan
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I know we've all feasted on as much of the D/S quotes we could but the current fic I'm reading on FF just has a few more from David's point of view on his character and the whole B/A dynamic. I thought I'd share since they brought me joy.

I had planned on making them shorter but I grew lazy and figured I might as well just keep it as it is... I'm sure there is more but I'm early into the story yet.

In it, he's asked how he felt about returning to BtVS for the last two episodes and he says, again a quote, “It was great to work with Sarah again. We both knew that to put those two characters (Buffy & Angel) together again would be incredible, and it was. It was what the fans wanted too and we were excited to give them that!” I loved that! Not only did he express his happiness to give the fans what they wanted, (and we did) he mentioned how he understood the connection between B&A.

David just seems to totally understand how those characters affected their fans and I really appreciate that. I also appreciated was that he says SMG cared about how Buffy went out too. She knew the fans would want B/A to have hope for a future and was excited about giving them that. (I've read where she's gotten a lot of flak about being a diva, so his comments were special in regards to her too and as always he's just a great guy and a true gentleman.)
I promised I would post a David interview each time I posted a chappie of this fic, and I'm happy to say I can once again deliver. I found a reiteration of my first quote in this fic...(the one that inspired me ty begin with) in the first issue of the 'Angel' mag!!

In it he says, (a quote) “I always found the Angel/Cordy relationship a bit strange...” He does again mention how it worked due to his chemistry with Charisma. (but as I've discovered after watching David in movies and T.V...he could have chemistry with a fence post! seriously the man is that hot!!) But in the interview he goes on to say, that though Angel/Cordy relationship worked due to his chemistry with Charisma, it wasn't anything compared to what it was like with the Angel/Buffy relationship. Then he says, again a quote... “I felt like Angel's heart is with Buffy and always would be. I think the Angel/Cordy relationship was just a mirror to what the Angel/Buffy relationship was to him! It worked, but it wasn't where his heart was.”

GOD! I love that man!! Okay, if anyone else thinks David Boreanaz is just too hot for words say Aye!! Lordy, lordy, lordy!! Not only is he fine as bleep, but he knows his character in and out. I so agree with this quote, it just inspired musie to write this chappie... Hope you all enjoy this latest, like I did!
“Angel is a character with a lot of shadows. He’s got a dark side and a good side. Buffy brought out the good in him. She made him want to be a better man, that’s what I think was so special about them. I mean here you have a character that has so much darkness in him, but this one girl, who is so bright and alive...Because of her and his love for her he becomes a better man. That’s amazing.” -DB
“When asked by SFX mag, what he thought was the biggest change in his character since he left “Buffy” David B said, “I think his confidence and growth in who he is today is Angel's biggest change, that and his idea of redemption... in the beginning his mission was all about Buffy. How could he help her, how could he love her and still stay away from was all tied into one, but now I see him as a character that has his own identity..,but he's still there... still the same guy he was in Sunnydale, but stronger. More independent.”

Then he was asked how Angel would fare if Buffy came back into his life today, and he said, (quote) “I don't know...I mean, hey, if Buffy stepped back into his life now... he'd be right there I imagine...yeah, he's changed since he left Sunnydale...and maybe he wouldn't be able to pick up the pieces of their relationship and make it work again, but he'd damned sure be there because he needs to believe...SHE was his whole reason for believing in something better to begin with, so I can't imagine he wouldn't believe in her now...”

He went on to say that he wasn't privy to the scripts (so don't quote him) LOL!! and he honestly didn't know what would happen if the two characters were ever reunited...(covering his adorable ass, I's okay, David we forgive you!) Oh, and he (Ho hum) expounded on how Joss was the end all be all and how he didn't want to step on anyones toes with this interview, (jokingly said) but it was such a cute quote, I'm including it here...Hope you like it and the earlier interview quotes:) I LOVE his honesty, even when he might not have the green light to say it:) Thank you David, we love U!!
ANGEL/BUFFY - "Because they have the ability to make each others bodies sing with joy."
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