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Old 08-09-2009, 10:12 AM
Joined: Oct 2008
Posts: 51,243
lol. I notice you like the lead couples/females in most series and it's weird because I usually HATE them so much. I can't stand Marissa or Serena, I find them both to be empty headed, and completely dependent on others lmfao.

I did a post on the couples board, but so I don't cause arguments, I left out the Lost part but you can probably all guess how I feel about that.

Actually what I never understand about showrunners is why they get obsessed with the most boring couples. For instance take DC for example, had the writers stopped beating a head horse, they'd have left DJo where it belonged (in the trash), after season 3. This is how the middle person in the triangle begins to get hated by the general audience and people no longer understand why the two people are fighting over said person.

In the case of OTH, same thing. Lucas looked like a seasoned flip flopper because Mark was so desparate and obsessed with LP he couldn't NOT have them end up together. So he ruined Lucas as a character, especially in the later seasons, so it could happen. Now I understand how a 16 year old boy could get confused by the concept of love, but I don't understand how a man in his 20s is still making the same mistakes.

Dan/Serena in GG is getting stale and boring because Josh is obsessed with this pairing. Their running out of chemistry completely, their boring and their plotlines run around the same circles of make up to break up. Now they even share a sibling together and after all this I am sure their going to end up together.

Then you have Veronica Mars where the actress AND the writers hated the couple the general audience was crazy about. So in season 2 they couldn't resist going back to Duncan/Veronica and Veronica looked weak and pathetic in this season, taking Duncan back after all the crap he pulled on her. And then Logan/Veronica never even ended up together, probably because the writers couldn't resist keeping them apart for as many times as he could

True Blood we are seeing the same problem with Bill/Sookie. After less than two seasons the couple has reached their moonlight phase; their isn't anything remotely flashy or catchy about the couple. Their boring and plain and washed out before the show even finished the next season. Alan is so obsessed with them that Eric can barely get any airtime and Bill has begun to steal Eric traits from the books. Now what I don't get is how Bill/Sookie fans can say that CH wrote the books badly, when Alan Ball is literally TRYING and failing to retell the tail of Eric/Sookie on the show, with Bill in place of Eric.

Then let's not forget HIMYM and their weird obsession with Ted/Robin. We've finished season 4 and all we have by way of BR is Barney's feelings for Robin. Meanwhile Robin is telling Ted if they don't have anyone else to marry at a certain age, they'd pick each other...even thoough Robin doesn't even LIKE marriage and we know she is not the mother.
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