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Old 08-07-2009, 10:15 AM
like a perfect storm
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Defectives {CღB} #1157: Because the chemistry between us could destroy this place.

the d e f e c t i v e s

c h u ck b l a i r

core essence; best friends;inevitable lovers; soul mates
She was his best friend's girl, his (second) toughest critic, his friend. He was her confidante, her scheming partner and the only one she could really count on.
They knew each other in a way no one else ever could, yet they continued with their lives never realising what was right in front of them. That is, until one unexpected moment opened their eyes and changed their lives forever. He tried to fight his feelings all he could. She tried to convince herself she didn't care. But try as they might, it's clear to us that these two were never meant for anyone else. They are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck, and they are truly nothing without each other.

the loyal;

{ please PM ♥ Laura ♥ to be added on the shipper list }

"Blair and Chuck, you know, that was um, we couldn't wait to kind of bring them together and they're two of
our most sort of deliciously evil characters. So the idea of them being in a relationship together, we thought would be a
lot of fun. And both actors are fantastic so, it caught on really quick and people were really, really rooting for them
which is good, which is fun." - Josh Schwartz

"It's perfect. They're perfect for each other. He understands her like nobody else does." - Leighton Meester

"So you said you loved her. Never heard you said that before. About anyone." - Nathaniel Archibald

"She really embodies the tone of the show as an actress, the way she delivers the dialogue, and her character, and that relationship with Chuck. I think if you distill the show into its core essence, it would probably be that."Josh Scwartz

" “I think of Chuck and Blair as equals. It's much more Glenn Close and John Malkovich in 'Dangerous Liaisons.'” " - Stephanie Savage

"These are two people who love each other!" - Serena van Der Woodsen

the King & Queen;

Gossip Girl is “a chess game,” where “Chuck and Blair are the king and queen. Everyone else, except Serena, is a pawn.”"Josh Scwartz

They are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck, so what is it that makes us ship them together?
Is it their chemistry? Is it because they are hot together? Is it because she is always there for him,
or because only Chuck knows the real her? Or is it because they are meant to be? Why do you want
Chuck and Blair together and what is making you still believe in them?

Our Words;

Chuck and Blair, despite the hard times they are currently going through, continue to be the only two people who truly understand each other. They’ve seen all the good and bad parts of one another and continue to be in love. Chuck has taught Blair that sometimes the fantasy you’ve been creating in your mind is actually waiting right in front of you in real life. And Blair has taught Chuck that it is possible – and even okay – to be loved. Now all that’s left is for Chuck leave behind all his self-loathing and find within himself the courage to love her right back.
Because in every scene I could understand their love from a different angle and still I love every single view from every single angle. Also there is so much more to come for CB and we all know that CB is endgame so why don't I still ship CB?
The witty banter,the sexual tension,the looks are only some of the reasons I shipped them as a couple. But also because I realized how right they are for each other. They both have intense personalities and they are the only ones that can keep up with each other.Chuck is the only one who really understands and knows Blair and she is only herself when with him. Blair is the only that doesn't mind Chuck's "bad" traits,what's more she actually likes him that way.They scheme and they plan together always completely in sync. Their relationship is original,it's not the cliche of a bad boy falling in love with the good girl who changes him for the better or the other way around.It's the story of two people who are imperfect and broken but they fal in love with each other and together they progress.
Why wouldn’t I? I seriously am at a loss as to how people can, not ship them? They are such a unique couple, both so afraid of being vulnerable and opening up to another human being, yet they are both so fiercely in love with each other that they can’t hide it. Ed&Leighton bring such amazing chemistry to CB as well. Every time they are even close to touching I get goose bumps. They are just absolutely fantastic and for that and so many other reasons that I can’t even count I still ship them.
Because they love each other how they are. He loves all of her, the good, the bad and the ugly. She loves all of him, Chuck, Charles and Charlie Trout. I've never seen a love so accepting and so intense before. Their exchanges give me butterflies. When they're in pain, I'm in pain; when they're in bliss, I am blissful too. They are flawed and relatable, and they love each other for those flaws more than for their virtues. They love each other just as they are. It's an EPIC love.
They're the perfect couple, and are meant for each other. I love how thay're themselves around each other, and don't act like anyone they're not.

their Epic Story;

the beginning; scheming friendships;witty banters; perfectly uncomplicated

the pretty;

their Epic Story;

the first time; first butterflies; first "real make out"; first dance

the actors;

these words are my heart & soul;

Chuck and Blair are the core essence of Gossip Girl. They are both most complicated
and layered characters in the show and only they can fully understand each other, love each other the
way they deserve to be loved and make each other truly happy.
Because they make me cry with cascading emotions whenever they have those 'perfect' Chuck and Blair moments.
Every emotion, every feeling they have towards each other reflects on everything I consider 'epic' and 'true' love.
They know each other more than they know themselves. They are perfect for each other, and there is no
other way to say it. They are each others soulmates, endgame... the core essence of each other.
They're Chuck and Blair and thats all there is to it.

I don't want this moment to ever end;

“That day on the beach, I felt something special too,
but I felt more. I felt as if we were…connected somehow.
As if we were being pulled together. As if we belonged
together.” || adam conantcassie blake

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