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Old 08-06-2009, 11:38 AM
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Joined: Jun 2009
Posts: 918
Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)

It's very true that Libras are enamored by beauty. All due to Venus.
Is this my excuse then? Hee.

Got it. She's sweet.

LOL. If she was crushed I never found out about it. Hee. I'm really not sure why she cared so much. She was in the popular group and I guess I sort of was too, see there were two popular groups in high school. The dance line girls, the jocks, both genders of jocks so we all mixed. My really good friends were a combo of all of the above and I would like to think they were not stuck up either even if some of the people in our group were. Heh. I also had friends outside of this "group" as well and I appreciated them all the more.
Because you're you... kind and sweet to everyone.

LOL. I was terrified of getting caught and getting suspended from playing sports, I was anxiety ridden over it matter of fact, LOL, but it was also more than that because I really didn't have a desire to go there. It wasn't for me so I blamed my fears of getting caught instead of saying not for me because I was this teenager and admittedly afraid of sounding too nerdy even if I probably did anyway given that I was very straight laced but oh well.

This is totally phenomenal how dead on this is. I read that it's because you simply don't have time for chemical dependencies, you won't have it. You have other things taking place in your mind that you need to accomplish, certainly having addictions of any kind would not be on your list of things to do. It's cute.

I love how they say Capricorns get younger as they age (I see this with you even if you're not old yet heh) and they have wise souls as children. Oh yeah, you too. I remember talking to one of your Cleveland friends who said when you were 10 you talked like you were 30 so this applies and applies quite well.

I love this. Thanks for opening up and sharing because I don't know about anyone else, but this really describes you in many ways, how you tick, and there's such an understanding here about where you come from, why, it's very cool. My psych mind loves it, heh, along with how it's hilarious that you are soooooooo Libra since it's thread appropriate. I think you will develop nicely into a future profession in law, I really do. Congrats.
Awe thanks a lot, coming from you that means everything, thanks.

I forgot to talk about this with Ephram and Amy. Heh. Think about how Ephram commented on Amy being so beautiful and popular whenever he started to fall for her. LOL. Of course he fell in love with the complete Amy but I find it very Libra-like how he was drawn to her and observed her beauty at the same time. True Libran. Hee
Soooooooooooooo true. Also, he knew he was a looker as well so he knew his shy flirtiness towards her was going to stick right back. I read the Libra males are really flirty because they know they have the delicate features, non manly features, and attraction due to Venus so they use it without really realizing it. I think Ephram used this.
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