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Old 08-06-2009, 09:03 AM
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Joined: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)
LOLLLLL. I know. It is very insane how this can be so dead on.
I know.

Also, a Libra's most "negative" trait is because we are about Venus we seek everything that IS beautiful and we can be a very superficial sign too. Is that why I constantly flirt with you and I am so taken by your beauty, Michelle? I honestly think so. Man this is almost eerily dead on.

LOL. Now I am wondering which friend you are speaking of because from that description I still have no clue. Heh.

It is funny about the serious thing because it is too true... in high school whenever I was a sophomore I was friends with a senior girl and it was due to being on the Varsity basketball team together LOL so admittedly I thought I was slightly cool since I chummed around with the older jock crowd, hee, so anyway one of this girls friends who was on the dance line kept asking my friend why I would never smile and looked so pissed off all the time and she thought I disliked her. My friend is like, "What, Michelle? No way, she's gentle and innocent and is not mad at anyone or anything, she's shy with others and very conservative with her behavior since I can't get her to drink ever because she's scared she's going to get caught (too true LOL) but she's not upset, she's shy and cautious." I remember my friend told me this and I was astounded that this other senior girl from the dance line could care less about my expressions, let alone me. LOL. So finally my basketball friend forced us to say hello and converse and when this took place the dance line girl was all, "Wow you wouldn't hurt a fly, Michelle, I was wrong, shy you, unless the person was on the basketball court as your opponent because then you destroy them which is fun to watch."

Anyway, dumb story but the minute I read about the seriousness of the Capricorn I was quickly reminded of this high school experience. Heh.
I love this story. OMG this is so you. I think, though, that you look so YOUNG but with such a wise mind, you're a wise soul, so I see you as innocent looking but I can see why some would think you are very serious and it could translate to them wondering if you are upset with them but did this girl like you or something, had a crush, because overall it seems she was into you or something? Nevertheless, I get the serious part of it.

And LMAO about you being scared of getting caught drinking. That is you and it's the Capricorn way, not having time or the need for drinks and smokes. LOL.

BTW did you know Tiger Woods is a Capricorn? Makes sense. He is very serious about his career, cautious, practical, is not wild, he is you in so many ways, hee, and of course he is so dominant and successful in his business which most Caps are since it's your trademark

Regarding Andy... I want to think (I love thinking) and then I will give my take.
I'll wait too! He does seem like a fire sign for sure. He has to be noticed. Not a Sag though, because that's not a dominant fire sign, an arrogant and "look at me" Aries or Leo, surely, yes.

Originally Posted by Tos
By the way, I had no idea that you were pre law, Erin. Very impressive! Man, we sure have a smart bunch at this board. This thread alone (not including me, hee), is like a powerhouse of intelligence!
Riggght, definitely you too, Tos!

Yes, I am pre law. It's weird because I always knew I hated injustices and that is probably why I am so loud and speak my opinion so strongly sometimes, especially with politics. I hate fighting even if I can bluntly state my opinion, so I want peace but I also can't help stating how I feel. If someone I know gets hurt I want it entirely wiped away. I can't stand it. If someone is wrongly accused of something, I want it rectified. I have always been this way, it is the Libra way. So I have been involved in poly sci since, like, forever. I was debating in high school and I love government courses, always have. So I have a criminal justice (so Libra, right? LOL) college background and yeah I plan on applying to the U of M law school. I don't know what I want to do with it yet as far as specifically but it's my passion.
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