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Old 03-05-2005, 08:36 PM
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The Chokers #5 - Because a relationship should be based on trust, not lies

Welcome to the Anti-Craig/Manny thread!

By PNUT013

By PinkPastry

By dEgraSsirOx

By Twyst


This thread is for the following who dislike Cranny as a couple. So if you are a Cranny shipper it's advised to get out, because you will not like the following content that's posted. So you are warned. Please do not post here, discussing why you dislike our ideas. We can handle a debate, but this isn't the proper place to do so.

Welcome! This thread is for anyone who basically hated Craig & Manny together. But remember: No bashing of people who like them, dont try and turn anything into a competion or a war. That is immature and childish. This is not a place to do that. This is a place just to discuss hating them together. Its rude to bash and all that, but theres nothing wrong with expressing your opinion on the couple. So here is a thread for people to talk about not liking them! Have fun!

1. LidelKewte
2. PNUT013
3. ThornyRose565
4. Otep
5. konstantine
6. CanonsAreWorthless
7. Twyst
8. PinkPastry
9. angelstr343
10. starsprite
11. nutchica16
12. McK0204
13. spinfan16
14. Jibertyshipper4life
15. PiCkLeS4dAwSoN
16. SeanAndEllie001
17. Ellie_J
18. sporadic
19. Jadecorleone
20. LilLala08
21. James_is_my_baby23
22. born2standout
23. that_70s_gurl101
24. Jaded Joy
25. dEgraSsirOx
26. Mayberry
27. CrashObsessed
28. GreekGoddess34
29. froggiepopple

1. Because their chemistry sucks
2. Because they look awkward
3. Because she stalked him
4. Because she was too damn clingy
5. Because her character got ruined when she went after him
6. Because he didn't want her till she looked hot and had sex with him, before that she was "young"
7. Because the whole time they were together, he already had a girlfriend.
8. Because he lied to her
9. Because she never left him alone
10. Because they had nothing in commen
11. Because she lost a lot of her friends for him.
12. Because he cheated on Ashley.
13. Because she practically choked him with Cotton Candy.
14. Because she reminded him of his sister.
15. Because he was only using her for sex.
16. Because he really didn't get her.
17. Because by Season 3 it was way too overdone.
18. Because he only noticed her when she was putting it all out there.
19. Because she can't keep a secret
20. Because he couldn't break up with Ash for her
21. Because she wasn't there for him when his dad died (or any other time).
22. Because their relationship was based on sex, his and Ash's was much deeper.
23. Because if they got married, her name would be - Manuella (Manny) Manning - eww.
24. Because it wasn't the locker Craig didn't was her
25. Because he made a lot of mistakes since coming to Degrassi, but she was definately his biggest.
26. Because she will never be his favorite pastry chef.
27. Because their relationship resulted in nothing but a lot of pain.
28. Because Ash would cook him goulash, and Manny wouldn't.
29. Because they make out more than they talk.
30. Because their kisses made us dizzy, and not in a good way.
31. Because she seduced him.
32. Because he wanted to have a little family with her
33. Because she hit him with the arcade ball
34. Because she shoved cotton candy down his throat
35. Because Manny was a fling and Ashley is forever
36. Because he couldn't put her first.
37. Because he wasn't sensitive to her feelings.
38. Because he ended up alone.
39. Because she lied to Emma to be with him.
40. Because she didn't think she was doing anything wrong.
41. Because he wasn't such a stud.
42. Because he was just using her.
43. Because she claimed to be a victim, but she used him too.
44. Because she cared more about the Fluffy Fluff collection than him
45. Because she was the other woman
46. Because he was moody...again
47. Because "Why is she here?" (Neutron Dance quote)
48. Because everything it was all about Ashley. Not about a single or making it big. Just Ashley...and not Manny.
49. Because even becoming a family wouldnt keep them together.
50. Because it left her with a reputation.
51. Because their relationship was based on lies.
52. Because he broke her heart.
53. Because they're awkward to watch.
54. Because the ice rink scene made us dizzy.
55. Because both Emma and Spinner knew it was wrong.
56. Because even Joey was surprised to find out about them.
57. Because he liked his guitar more than her.
58. Because a cheap bracelet doesn't say that you understand someone.
59. Because as soon as the baby was gone, so was he.
60. Because he still feels the need to check up on her.
61. Because she wanted him to dump Ashley.
62. Because he couldn't dump Ashley for her.
63. Because it will never, ever, ever, ever, ever happen again.
64. Because he wasn't thinking.
65. Because he never said "I love you."
66. Because neither of them want to get back with eachother.
67. Because their pointless.
68. Because they're like watching a bad train wreck.
69. Because they make us sick.
70. Because Jake even says they don't make sense.
71. Because they never even dated.
72. Because they both want different things.
73. Because have they ever really talked? Really.
74. Because they both used one another.
75. Because their relationship is anything but mature.
76. Because she wouldn't stick around with him when he found out he was bi-polar.
77. Because she's a good lay.
78. Because she took advantage of him.
79. Because they brought out the worst in eachother.
80. Because what they did was totally evil.
81. Because their relationship was secret.
82. Because she may of showed him unconditional love, but he never did the same.
83. Because it turned Ashley's friends against Craig.
84. Because both were writen out of character.
85. Because even Jake said Craig was a jerk.
86. Because if it was love, then it wouldn't of happened the way it did.
87. Because mature men, don't cheat on their girlfriend.
88. Because he wouldn't let her leave when he was instulting her in the hallway.
89. Because she found out about his lies.
90. Because she gave the braclet back.
91. Because he didn't want her in the band.
92. Because he never sang a song to Manny.
93. Because he didn't return her messages.
94. Because he looked at the keyboard, and didn't care about the tambourine.
95. Because Craig came in between Emma and Manny
96. Because she's still hurt from what Craig did.
97. Because their relationship was based on lies.
98. Because he broke her heart.
99. Because they're awkward to watch.
100. Because the ice rink scene made us dizzy.
101. Because both Emma and Spinner knew it was wrong.
102. Because even Joey was surprised to find out about them.
103. Because he liked his guitar more than her.
104. Because a cheap bracelet doesn't say that you understand someone.
105. Because as soon as the baby was gone, so was he.
106. Because he still feels the need to check up on her.
107. Because she wanted him to dump Ashley.
108. Because he couldn't dump Ashley for her.
109. Because it will never, ever, ever, ever, ever happen again.
110. Because he wasn't thinking.
111. Because she started talking to him when she found out she was pregant.
112. Because looking at him doesn't make her feel like smiling.
113. Because responsible couples use condoms.
114. Because sed sex doesn't mean they love eachother
115. Because Craig and Asg are Joey and Caitlin and Manny is Tessa
116. Because having a secret relationshp isn't that great.
117. Because the only interaction they have is maling out, how will they get to know eachother.
118. Because putting them back together now, would only led to another disaster.
119. Because them getting back together is against all odds.
120. Because they were both thinking with anything besides their heads.
121. Because a reunion now would be pointless.
122. Because Manny needs to find someone who will make her happy.
123. Because Manny is too emotional for Craig.
124. Because he promised her everything would be better, when everything just became worse.
125. Because she shouldn't have trusted him.
126. Because their luck ran out.
127. Because their dance broke Emma's heart.
128. Because she told him who he should talk to. (not Ashley)
129. Because he wasn't thinking.
130. Because Craig's a rocker, not a humper!
131. Because it was over before it started.
132. Because he had a girlfriend.
133. Because them getting back together is against all odds.
134. 0ecause they were an accident waiting to happen.
135. Because there were strings attached.
136. Because it hurt her relationship with Emma.
137. Because 99% of their conversations, didn't require talking.
138. Because if Craig said Manny reminded him of Ang, does that mean he'd have sex with his 5 year old half sister?
139. Because even Cassie thinks Manny should get a new boyfriend.
140. Because it hurt JT.
141. Because if Craig was so mature he wouldn't of cheated on anyone.
142. Because Manny doesn't know him like Ash does.
143. Because Craig never listened to Manny the way he does to Ash.
144. Because their relationship was anything but stable.
145. Because you can't name an episode where they were happy at the end.
146. Because lust isn't love.
147. Because they wouldn't last in real life.
148. Because without sex they had nothing.
150. Because there's more arguments against them then for them.
151. Because she annoyed him.
152. Because there second chance ended in a heartbeat.
153. Because he wanted to save her pain, but caused more.
154. Because he thought it was a lot of pain.
155. Because the mistake broke up Crash
156. Because even Emma told her to give him space, but she refused to listen.
157. Because she isn't his Cinderella.
158. Because he didn't want to kiss her after their first date.
159. Because if it was always her, he never would've stayed with Ashley.
160. Because it was she was never the one.
161. Because she was a rebound.
162. Because "Not now Manny."
163. Because Craig liked the idea of Ash decorating his locker, not Manny. (GITM)
164. Because they are the ultimate bringing out the worst in each other couple.
165. Because you can slobber all you want, but that isn't true love

Because he has a special smile only for her: Not really true. Rewatching the episodes it can be seen he uses the smile with Ashley too.

Because even though Ashely might love him, it's not as much as Manny does: Nope. Yes Manny does love him, but who is she to say she loves him more? Can she read Ash's mind? I think not.

Because she takes care of his cuts and scrapes:
Manny has never been there for Craig. She was there as someone to fool around with. That's all. Ashley was in fact the one who took a donation for flowers when Craig's dad died. She was the one to ask him how he was doing. She was the one who stood by him, and took care of him when he found out he was bipolar. Manny hasn't been there for him at all.

Because Emma knew it was supposed to be Craig and Manny: Recalling correctly Emma never said they were good together. Rememeber season 3? How she jumped down Manny's throat for it.

Because he got jealous when he saw her with Spinner: While that can be said, it is also known that it wasn't jealousy. But maybe a way to catch Spinner in the act of what he was doint to Paige.

Because they could be a family:
Sure Craig said they could, but he was to emotional and Manny didn't want a child at the time. Even if they could, it'd be unstable. As said, Craig was to emotional. He wanted to fill his emptiness of being lonely. And that's what he was striving on if they did end up having a family. It would've created a very unstable relationship, and it eventually would've ruined them. And screwed the child up. And the way Craig talked about it saying "Manny and the baby are mine", made him seem possesive, which would've also been bad for the relationship. His need for a family would've gotten in the way of it all.

Because she's the one for him:
While he did tell her that, he never dumped Ashley. It wasn't the guitar that made him stay. Because if she was the one for him then he would've never gone back to Ashley. as soon as he did. He would've thought the guitar was sweet, but not important enough. He wouldn't of lied to Manny and kept on playing both her and Ashley.

Because he thought her ditziness was cute:
It was actually one of the things that irritated him about her. We obviously saw that in TMBA. Craig couldn't stand the fact that Manny that Manny kept talking about her fluffy fluff collection, or the fact that she shoved cotton candy down his mouth. He just wanted to end the date. And later at school, he tried avoiding her, but because of her ditziness told her it wasn't the locker he didn't like. It was her.


1. Because they had a relationship more then sex.
2. Because she was there for him.
3. Because he regrets cheating on her with Manny.
4. Because he couldn't dump Ashley for her.
5. Because Ashley gets him.
6. Because even Jake likes Crash better then Cranny.
7. Because Ashley wanted to know Craig loved her first, Manny didn't care.

Take My Breath Away - This was supposed to show the cute side of Cranny, but did nothing more then show the disasterous ways. We see their date was horrible and Craig says Manny reminded him of his 5 year old half sister Angela. Manny was unbelievably annoying, decorating Craig's locker and telling him not to talk to Ashley. Craig wasn't much better telling her it wasn't the locker that he didn't like, but in fact it was her.

Should I Stay or Should I Go - A year later after Manny dresses more "mature", and Craig and Ashley have a fight, Manny is there. This is the episode that screwed up Crash. Manny chased after him, after he had a fight with his girlfriend and took advantage of that. Craig wasn't better himself accepting, because we find out that Monday and Craig hasn't returned any of her calls. We see Crash hook up, and Manny is hurt by Craig once more.

Holiday - What started off bad went to worse. Craig finally told Manny that she was the one and he was going to dump Ashley. We realize that he was lying. Which isn't shocking. Manny is ended up hurt by this as did Ashley and Craig.

Accident's Will Happen - Craig's extremely obsessive in this when Manny gets pregnant, thinking he can have a family. Manny later ends up having an abortion, and as soon as the baby was gone, he was too.

Bark at the Moon - Enough said. Craig told Manny she was his biggest mistake since coming to Degrassi.

LyricsThat remind us of Cranny.

Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name

Shot through the heart and you're to blame
Darlin' you give love, a bad name

An angel's smile is what you sell
You promise me heaven, then put me through hell
Chains of love, got a hold on me
when passion's a prison, you can't break free

You're a loaded gun
Yeah, whoa...
There's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name
You give love a bad name

You paint that smile on your lips
Blood red nails on your fingertips
A school boy's dream, you act so shy
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye

You're a loaded gun
There's nowhere to run
No one can save me
The damage is done

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name
You give love...

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name

Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
You give love a bad name
I play my part and you play your game
You give love a bad name
You give love a bad name


Death Cab for Cutie - Tiny Vessels

This is the moment that you know
That you told her that you loved her but you don't
You touched her skin and then you think
That she is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me.
Yeah she is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me

I spent two weeks in Silverlake, the California sun cascading down my face
There was a girl with light brown streaks,
And she was beautiful, but she didn't mean a thing to me
Yeah she was beautiful, but she didn't mean a thing to me

I wanted to believe in all the words that I was speaking as we moved together in the dark
And all the friends that I was telling all the playful misspellings and every bite I gave that left a mark
Then tiny vessels oozed into your neck and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade
But they did and so did I that day

All I see are dark gray clouds in the distance moving closer with every hour
So when you'd ask, "Is something wrong?" (I'd think)
"You're damn right there is, but we can't talk about it now. No we can't talk about it now."

So one last touch and then you'll go and we'll pretend that it meant something so much more
But it was vile and it was cheap and you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me
Yeah, you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me.
Yeah, you are beautiful but you don't mean a thing to me.

Last edited by PinkPastry; 03-20-2005 at 08:53 PM
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