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Old 07-03-2009, 09:04 PM
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Joined: Nov 2003
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The first season is on DVD?! How did I not know this? *looks on Amazon*
Yup, and I have to say it's worth it. Plus, there is commentary by Jonathan murray and he answers a lot of questions. They should release a dvd for all the seasons (only NY and Las Vegas are on dvd).

I remember the fight Julie and Kevin had on the street. Intense stuff.
That was a really intense scene. JM said it was taped after the rodney king incident, although they never included that in the episode.

Oh, Seattle. Stephen slapping Irene is a classic. Even those who haven't seen that season knows about that. David and his relationship with one of the RW producers. Think? My memory is hazy. Rebecca and her singing. Lindsey was cutie, with her curly hair. I like Seattle. I wouldn't mind watching it again.
That was crazy. I think everyone remembers that episode. I was sad when Irene left the house because she my fave cast member. She now travels and gives talks against reality tv.

I was young too. I was born in 1985 so I didn't watch the earlier seasons at the time it aired. But I remember a marathon airing where they showed every season from the beginning. Don't know when this was, but I was still in school. I did tape a few. I'm glad have some memories of these seasons because they're hard to find now.
Those marathons were great. I wish they still did them.
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