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Old 06-25-2009, 04:25 PM
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Ferryboats (Mer♥Der) #693: Because around him she becomes all giggly and adorable. ♥

F e r r y b o a t s

Welcome to the

True love is never easy to find. It requires patience, endurance and faith. But when you find the one for you, you should never let it go. They met in a bar. They both had a thing for ferryboats. Since then, they are truly nothing without each other. They are the heart of the hospital, the soulmates of the show. No matter what happens, and no matter what obstacles stand in their way, they will always be together
f o r e v e r

What started as a one night stand
... and resulted in falling in love

F o r e v e r is gonna start tonight

"And the one night stand you were determend to forget, becomes the love of your life"
Meredith - 5.24


461. LostinTime
462. mima_18
463. dempeo
464. ..Mysha..
465. Jennateluvr87
466. BlueSmartie
467. katie2323
468. BlueSmartie
469. ~Beloved~
470. BRoody
471. ~JeNnA~
472. bestwriter101
473. RickyandChucklover1
474. dempeo4ever
475. elevator_love
476. xkellyx
477. Maité
478. AmicusUH
479. lenaMD
480. NotYourChick86
481. Pepitachiquita
482. feelthatrush
483. sweetxmisery
484. AIMDgirl
485. Bright And Shiny


Our f a v o r i t e s;

Our f a v o r i t e s;

Our f a v o r i t e s;

"I film so much and I’m working so much that when I do get even a Saturday off
or a Sunday off or any time off, I just literally — I’m a hermit — I just
watch movies or sleep or just hang out with my close friends and relax."
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