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Old 06-21-2009, 07:43 PM
Jezebel In Hell
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Wicked Woods | (sort of, kind of like True Blood) MYOC

Wicker Woods is a small town on the border of Ohio and West Virginia. It’s not special on the surface. It’s pretty good as far as small towns go. It’s got its own Wal-Mart and Barnes & Noble and a locally owned bar & grill called Bullfrog’s. There’s snow in the winter and sun in the summer.

The population in Wicker Woods, nicknamed Wicked Woods, is very diverse. We aren’t talking just race and nationality - We’re talking species. There are were-creatures who can turn into one animal and there are shifters who can turn into any animal within their line of sight. There are vampires and practitioners of magic (witches, for short,) and even people roaming the town with fairy blood running through their veins which grants them a little bit of magical talent.

There are also human beings who may or may not have a clue as to what kind of beings surround them.

This is just everyday life in an unusual town.

Rules & Notes
There is no Boy/Girl rule involved.
Don’t take only magical creatures. Spice things up with an ordinary ol’ human.
The people in Wicker Woods with fairy blood must all belong to the same bloodline. Cousins, brothers, sisters, dads, moms, yada yada...
As for vampires, there are different rules for each fandom. People seem to be most familiar with the Buffy rules. Sun kills, stakes kill, beheading kills. Crosses and holy water burn. They must be invited into a home before they can enter. They have strength and turn ugly when they show their fangs.
Shifters must be able to look at the animal they shift into before they can shift.
Were-creatures only turn into one animal. Werewolves = wolves, werepanthers = panthers etc.

Profile Format
Age: If they are immortal, list their real age and their apparent age
Race: Human, part fairy, shifter, were creature etc
TB: You!
PB: a picture!

Name: Sélina Feraeu
Age: 32
Race: Witch
TB: shadow kissed
PB: Eva Green

Name: Chaston "Chase" McKenzie
Age: 362/23
Race: Vampire
TB: shadow kissed
PB: Sebastian Stan

Name: Daisy Laurie
Age: 21
Race: Were - creature (Panther)
TB: shadow kissed
PB: Megan Fox

Name: Elliott Wheeler
Age: 33
Race: Human
TB: shadow kissed
PB: Ryan Reynolds

Name: Sebastian Cross
Age: 29/299
Race: Vampire
TB: The Survivor
PB: Leonardo DiCaprio

Name: Jonas Walker
Age: 25
Race: Werecreature (Weretiger)
TB: The Survivor
PB: Heath Ledger

Name: Oliviana *Olive* Smithson
Age: 27
Race: Quarter-Fairy
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Cameron Richardson

Name: Anthony James *AJ* Paxton
Age: 25
Race: Human
TB: Jezebel In Hell
PB: Gaspard Ulliel
~Bridget - Exploder of Brains
The impossible can become possible if you are awesome.
B&M buddies forever

Last edited by Jezebel In Hell; 06-30-2009 at 07:30 PM
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