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Old 06-20-2009, 02:50 PM
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The Pack Appreciation Thread #9~ B/c the pack is all about action... *mind wanders off* ;)

Welcome to the 9th

The Wolves - Out and About

Werewolf mythology:

Werewolf appearance

The wolves themselves vary in physical appearance, just like their human counterparts. “It was enormous—as tall as a horse, but thicker, much more muscular. The long muzzle grimaced, revealing a line of dagger-like incisors. A grisly snarl rolled out from between the teeth, rumbling across the clearing like a prolonged crack of thunder”
It is also noticeable that the human boy changes significantly in areas other than height when they have become of an age to turn into a werewolf. Jacob crops his hair short, just like Sam and the others, but “The planes of his face seemed to have hardened subtly, tightened…aged. His neck and his shoulders were different, too, thicker somehow. His hands, where they gripped the window frame, looked enormous, with the tendons and veins more prominent under the russet skin.”

Werewolf speed

Like the vampires, werewolves are also superhuman in their ability to run.
Even in his human form, Jake seems to have developed more speed: “Then he turned and sprinted through the parking lot, across the road, and into the bordering forest. He flitted into the trees, swift and sleek as a deer.
As the wolves could catch Laurent it appears that they are even faster on their feet than the vampires are. Bella says: “I couldn’t imagine that—the wolves running faster than a vampire. When the Cullens ran, they all but turned invisible with speed.” It seems that speed is their real weapon, along with the exchange of thoughts within the pack.
Their reflexes are also immensely fast: “With stunning speed, Jacob yanked a can opener from the counter and launched it at Jared’s head. Jared’s hand flicked up faster than I would have thought possible, and he snagged the tool just before it hit his face.”

Werewolf strength

Their movement is in “powerful bounds” as a wolf, but also as a human there seems to be a difference in strength.
Part of the strength of a werewolf is that he (or she) is not a single entity, but part of a pack. They are stronger as a group than they would be alone. They communicate through the fact that they “hear each other’s thoughts, but only when you’re wolves” and during fights, like those we see at the end of ‘Eclipse’ they can alert each other of danger.


The skin when they are in human form is “burning hot. Werewolves are clearly the polar opposites of the vampires, with their icy-cold touch and marble-like skin.
They are also able to heal very quickly physically. Injuries don’t last very long at all.
The actual transformation between human and werewolf is described in most detail in "New Moon’. Certainly the initial transformation is not an easy one. SM said - “The transformation into the wolf form is not a painful process, only disorienting and mentally uncomfortable.”
The transformation itself can happen at any time, and isn’t dependent upon a full moon. In young werewolves cases, they can change involuntarily because of lack of self-control.
Werewolves are only created when there are neighbouring vampires, so that the Quileute land is always protected.
Their sense of pack-identity is strong. So much so that they are capable of hearing thoughts. Even in wolf form, they retain full control of their human minds. This means that all actions are knowing actions, although it is entirely possible for a werewolf to lose his temper and for him to be out of control as both a human and a wolf.
Werewolves were believed to be only male until the transformation of Leah Clearwater, which surprised everyone, even though “she’s a direct descendant, all right.”. The issue of imprinting is also critical as this is how the werewolf finds the one person they are destined to be with forever: “It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like… gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her.”
Their sense of smell has adjusted to help them identify their one enemy. It is not clear whether it is heightened in other circumstances, but they certainly know vampires from a distance and find the smell sickly sweet and repellent.
Like vampires, they are also very strong; Bella breaks her hand punching Jake.

Becoming a Werewolf

The history of the Quileute tribe and their connection things beyond the human is documented in ‘Eclipse’. We are told that “there has always been magic in our blood” and that they were “spirit warriors” before they became “shape-shifting” people. The tale of Taha Aki links the tribe for the first time with the wolf, as his spirit shared the body of the animal. This seems to have been the beginning of the possibility of being beyond both simple man and simple wolf.
The description of Taha Aki matches what Bella discovers about Jacob and the other werewolves. “He led the tribe for many years, for he did not age” and the genetic passing on of the ability to transform to his sons “after they had reached the age of manhood.” It is important to note, that just as Jacob and his friends are different, the wolves in the story are different too, “because they were spirit wolves and reflected the man they were inside.”
If no vampires are near then “the descendants of Taha Aki no longer became wolves when they reached manhood”. If there are one of two vampires, then “the pack stayed small.” It is noticeable that when the number of vampires increase with Victoria’s army, then “the pack has grown” so that they are able to fight.
There is a direct connection between the vampires and the wolves. If vampires were not present, then there are no need for werewolves to protect the tribe.
To change into a werewolf, it is vital to be a direct descendant of Taha Aki. People had always believed that it was a direct male descendant, but this is proven to be untrue when Leah Clearwater becomes one of the pack. There is no escape from this.
There is “no exact age” that someone becomes a werewolf. Jacob explains that “Sometimes, if you get really upset or something, that can trigger it early” and that you need to be able to control your feelings and anger to be able to phase back again. With Sam, “it took him two weeks to calm down enough to change back” because no one had anticipated it would happen to him and “he thought he’d gone insane” as a result.
The pack has one leader; an alpha male. In Bella’s time, this should be Jake because of his lineage, but he explains: “I didn’t want to be some legendary chief. I didn’t want to be part of a pack of werewolves, let alone their leader. I wouldn’t take it when Sam offered.” Sam Uley leads them instead. The alpha does control the pack: “When he tells us to do something, or not to do something—when he really means it, well, we can’t just ignore him.”
Information found at Twilight Lexicon

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(If they pass as PG-13 enough to be used. )

B/C we cant wait for all the orgasming swooning and flailing that this movie will cause.
B/C the Pack is like a sci-fi porno.
B/C the Pack are our favourite sci-fi porn stars.
B/C we're all incesty sistas!
Because their bond is thicker then blood.

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