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Old 06-08-2009, 06:15 AM
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Joined: Nov 2008
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On July 6th, 2008 at approximately 8:25 Eastern Time EIGHT was born.

You see, us Skaters are a sarcastic bunch, and in the process of trying to find the word 'epic' we stumbled upon something much more larger than we could have ever imagined. Something no one was ready for, and something that would stay with Skate for the rest of time.

We now introduce you to:
The History of Eight.
It all started with a solid team of ANESS and BNESS. They were practically alone, posting in thread #278, when all of a sudden, Ally wrote this post.

It went something like this:
Skate is kind of like that.. thing.
Damn, i'm honestly having a really hard time with the word.
It's like.. when there's a huge love story, but it happens in the most random of places.
Like an island or something, maybe.

And then.. they go through all this angst.
One may have a few brushes with death, but you know.. they get through it.

And then there's this last thing that happens.. it's like something HUGE, you know?
Where this one person does something so miraculous for the one they love.
You know, and like.. man, i'm trying to hink of an example.

They could like.. jump out of a helicopter or something crazy like that, you know?
Risking their LIFE.
To save that one person, and maybe a friend or two.

And their love sees that you actually sacrificed something for them, and are just more in love than ever.

But like.. realization sets in that.. they're separated now, right?
And THEN SOME CRAZY FREAKING INSANE CRAP HAPPENS.. and they both think the other is dead.

Like that's serious.

ANYWAYS.. moral of the story is..
Do you know what that's called?
I totally forgot the word.
What then happened was an amazingly eight-like conversation between the two:
Bridge: it can't possibly start with E?
Ally: It's not Episode, right?
Bridge: more like...Epidemy?
Ally: Erie?
Bridge: Emo?
Ally: Everclear?
Bridge: Exclusive?
Ally: Enter?
Bridge: "E" button?
Ally: Erode?
.. when all of a sudden, Kathy came along and gave us a way in (without even ACTUALLY talking about eight, because 'epic' was in the title):
Kathy: Could the word you guys are looking for possibly appear in the title of this thread? Nahh, probably not.
and this is when it happened:
Bridge: you mean #278 - as in Eight? -




Omg, new title, please? I'm not even kidding. It doesn't get any better than that. I honestly can't believe there was actually an 8 in the title to warrant that, LMFAOOO.

Bridge: of course what we mean is SKATE IS EIGHT WONDER OF THE WORLD.

Ally: God.
They're so eight.

Bridge: You're Eight guys!
Then Crystal joined in with her eightness!:
Crystal: Eight is a way of life.
Ally: Eight IS life.
Crystal: I think I want to marry Eight.
.. the first rhyme:
Ally: Skate is eight.
And Eight is great.
Great is Skate.
Are you born in the 1980's? If so, you are a member of:
The Nation of Eight.
The very first eightness awareness in a title EVER:
#279: Skate is the EIGHTH wonder of the world.
Proof it was meant to be:

They sell stuff.. FOR SKATERS.
500+ threads later.. here we are, thread 888.. a place we never believed we'd see. Something we joked about, but here it is, and it is eight.

| Top 8 Scenes |

I Do - Cage Sex

k: when were you planning on telling me this?
s: never.
k: why not? why wouldn't you?!
s: 'cause i wanted you to believe that we had a damn chance.
[she kisses him]
s: what was that for?
k: i don't know. i don't know.
I Do - Post Coital

s: lemme ask you something, freckles. when blockhead was beating on me, and you said "i love you." that was just... to get him to stop, right?
[she kisses him and lays back down on his chest]
s: i love you, too.
There's No Place Like Home - Spectacular Kiss

s: hey! [whispering] i have a daughter in albuquerque, you need to find her, tell her i'm sorry.
k: why you tellin' me this?
[he kisses her]
s: just do it, freckles.

Confidence Man - First Kiss

k: so i'm here. where is it?
s: happy to tell you, as soon as i get that kiss.
k: what? are you serious.
s: baby, i am tied to a tree in a jungle of mystery. i just got tortured by a damn spinal surgeon and a gen-u-ine iraqi. of course i'm serious. you're just not seeing the big picture here, freckles. you really going to let that girl suffocate because you can't bring yourself to give me one little kiss? hell, it's only first base. lucky for you i ain't greedy.
k: okay.
s: okay.
One Of Us - Reunion Hug
Outlaws - I Never

s: i never been in love.
k: you've never been in love?
s: ain't drinkin' am i?
k: i never blamed a boar for all my problems.
s: i never cared about having carte blanche cause i only wanted to spend some time with the only other person on this island that just don't belong.
k: i never carried a letter around for 20 years because i couldn't get over by baggage.
s: i never killed a man... well, looks like we got something in common after all.
Collision - Pill Scene

k: sawyer? hey, you have to listen to me, okay? the only way that you are going to get better is if you take this pill. so i want you to swallow it, okay? okay, here we go. now swallow, swallow. good! good.
I Do - Rain Scene

k: don't you let go! don't you even think about it, sawyer, you fight! no no! sawyer, no! no, no! sawyer, please! you get your hands off of him!
p: get on your knees!
k: please! i will do anything you want!
p: i want you to watch!
s: close your eyes, freckles.
k: stand up!
s: close your eyes!
k: don't you give up! no, no no!
The Little Prince - Sawyer sees Kate in the jungle
Whatever the future brings, you are my light.
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