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Old 05-30-2009, 11:21 AM
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TFTNT! Love the title, it's so true!

10.Tell us some juicy celeb gossip
Joe: Nick doesn’t sleep!
Nick: I do!
Joe: He doesn’t sleep very much!
Nick: No! My thing is that I’ll sleep if I get a good 12 hours or something, but if I know I’ve got to get up early in the morning I’ll just choose not to! I feel good though! He says I just walk around in my hotel room!
Joe: You do! I’ll wake up and just see feet walking around or something!
Nick: Yeah I grab my guitar and play a song sometimes too!

Somebody posted that on another thread..Apparently Nick & Miley share the same insomnia problem
"It's better to love someone you can't h a v e ,
than have someone you can't l o v e"

Icon: Pauline =)
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