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Old 05-30-2009, 08:44 AM
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Thanks for the new thread...anywho, to continue what I was saying:

Whoa I just realized I think "don't charge me for the crime' is about Miley. The description is: "Where you get a phone call from a friend they did something they shouldn’t have and now you are in the middle. " Didn't Miley say last month in one of teh tween mags that she sent a friend the wrong text and ended up in trouble and their were problems between 3 friends.

I found the Miley article: Miley, 'Texting Saved My Friendship' - Miley Cyrus - 外國藝人 -
Miley Cyrus revealed to BOP how sending a mean text massage to the wrong person actually saved their friendship. The story: Miley picked up her phone and read a text message from one of her BFFs complaining about one of their close friends.

Miley couldn't believe what she read and quickly texted back. But, as soon as the pushed the send button, she realized that she sent the message to the girl they were talking about!

Miley, ' I couldn't believe I did that! It was the worst! I was like, 'How could you say that about her?' and wrote what they said and accidentally sent it to the person it was about! I was like, 'Dang it!''' Miley was so sad she called her friend to explain the mean message. 'I didn't want to her to know what the person said because I didn't want to hurt her feelings!'

Although Miley's friend was hurt it ended up helping them: 'It turned out to be awesome because it got everything out in the open, we talked and we're all friends. It was better to talk about it thena to go behind each other's back.' Who do YOU think Miley sent the mean text to?
"And love's a raven when it flies... meet me on the other side...I'll see you on the other side"


Last edited by LotusRises; 05-30-2009 at 08:50 AM
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