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Old 05-29-2009, 04:48 PM
Passionate Fan

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Ross & Emily Appreciation Thread: Because he wanted them to be together forever

Welcome to the 1st Ross Geller & Emily Waltham-Geller Appreciation Thread

I don't think these two have a thread and they need one. They are by far the best Ross pairing on the show, and imo Emily is Ross's true love. Ross has fun with Emily. He's sweet with her. I'm not normally a Ross fan, imo Emily makes Ross likeable. I'd like to believe they found their way back to each other after the show ended.

Reasons we love them:
1. Because he loved her the way she was, not based on an obsession.
2. Because he knew after six weeks that he wanted it to be "us together forever"
3. Because they are two idiots in love
4. Because he got his ear pierced for her
5. Because they went to Vermont the night they met

The Crazy Chan-Chan Man
Majora's Mask (season 4)

ICON by shalowater
Chandler & Monica / House & Cuddy / Chase & Cameron / Tony & Ziva
"It's so much fun for us. I have a new love for the show since I've gotten into this relationship. Honestly, I was a little bored the first four years." - Courteney Cox on Mondler

Last edited by mondlerlove; 06-15-2009 at 06:19 AM
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