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Old 02-16-2005, 11:13 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 1,055
hhhee love the title. It is true and pure and that is h/hr. Word can't describle their love for each other.

Love this don't know how much.

about that D/E dancing thing. I hope it DIRTY DANCING..OR TANGO. THEY CAN DO IT BEHIND THE SCENE OF JUST "MADE UP" SCENE...FROM GOF. Can you picture it. Harry is dancing with some girl, n Hermione is dancing with some stupid guy.

All of sudden their eyes met, and they slow reach out their hand to each other and they forgot about their partner, and their put their arms around each other and they dance to slow-motion of music. With their eyes close and world around them dissappeared.

*thanks you, thanks you!! Please don't stand up!!*
Hermione: "You are not bad kisser"
Harry: "I don't think you are Uply"
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