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Old 05-15-2009, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Shu (View Post)
Good its about time. Well I still want RL to end not cause of DS (cause to me its written as only a temporary hurdle for them. They even said the kid was no big deal. They just have to deal with rl being a couple and mine that battlefield) but Because Lily brings out the worst in every one she is around. Ironcially, S exhibited mroe strength when she first returned and the more time she spent in her mothers orbit the more her weaknesses emerged. Lily is just such a despicable person that she turns everything she touches into utter poo.
I agree, I don't think RL has anything to do with DS. I think they were an initial hurdle because it was awkward, but they really don't matter at this point. The kid will be harder to get over, but as weird as that is, it can be done. I don't see either of those factors being designed as something to kill the DS ship. I can't stand RL either, but they basically have zero point without that relationship, and I think Josh does like telling that story unfortunately. I'm just glad Scott is coming, because then at least the focus will be on him, and not their lame "love" story.
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