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Old 05-15-2009, 03:35 AM
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Okay, now that I've calmed down, here's my review.

The bad:
  • Jimmy's death. I get that PS2 got stuck in a stupid position, so I'll direct my anger at those who brought him to the show in the first place. It was utterly stupid to let fans get emotionally attached to this Jimmy and then say, "Guess what! It's not the real Jimmy! Aren't we just the smartest bunch, like evah?" Blah.
  • Chloe. PS2 said they were walking a fine line concerning Chloe's motives. And I'm sorry, but to me, what she did was absolutely NOT heroic, simply because I don't buy that all this time she really only loved Jimmy and never felt anything for Davis. She was interested in Davis even before she married Jimmy, so I call major BS on that one. And it pisses me off that Chloe is again worshipped for being a hero and doesn't take responsibility for her actions. At all. Also, I'm starting to feel that Lois cares way more about Chloe than vice versa. And unless these writers pull out a miracle in season 9, Chloe is officially dead to me.
  • Clark/Doomsday fight. That was it? The Lois/Tess fight was more intense and epic than that. That was such a huge letdown.
  • No hint about Lois' whereabouts whatsoever. So for all her fans know, she could be in the year 10.867 stranded on an island, or she could be having dinner with Shakespeare in 1580. Just great, PS2. So unless Rokk pre-programmed the ring, I'm going to have to assume that Lois is whenever she was thinking of in that moment. O-kay.
  • Davis. This character was a total WASTE. Why did you spend all season trying to establish that Davis is supposedly a good guy and then - even after he's seperated from Doomsday - have him kill Jimmy?! Yeah. I reeeeeeeeally feel sorry for poor Davis who was trapped with mean big Doomsy all season. NOT. Fail. Epic fail.

The good:
  • Lois. She really is my lifeline on this show. Her concern and unwavering loyalty to Chloe was heartwarming. Like Snap said, when Lois loves someone, she really loves them and would give her heart and soul for them.
  • Clark and Lois. The desk scene was intense. Clark wants to open up to Lois, but he's scared to do it as Clark because he knows it'd put her in danger. I like that Lois called it his "force field". It again goes back to what Chloe told Clark in Infamous, "Isn't a big benefit of protecting your secret from Lois getting to protect yourself from getting hurt?" That's still what it is, yet at the same time, he can't NOT open up to Lois, so he does it as the RBB. She's the only one he said goodbye to, the only one he told about his fate. And, assuming that it takes a few days to organize a funeral, he spent days searching for Lois before even contacting any of his friends to let them know he was okay.
  • Clark's "death". Bryan Singer once said that Lois Lane is Clark's human anchor. And she is. It's what makes him call her as the RBB and sustain that connection. Now he's lost her and thus his connection to humanity. Had Lois been in that last scene, she would not have accepted his pity party. And she would not have let him give up on himself. And when Clark finds Lois in season 9, he'll also reconnect with his human side. That should be quite an emotional reunion and I can't wait.

I won't rate this episode, though.
"If Leonard and Penny didn't end up together, I would cry like it was my own break up.
I don't think I could handle it. I would cry my eyes out. I would die. Whatever path these
two choose, I want them to end up together. I really want them to end up married, I really do.
That's my dream for these characters."
- Kaley Cuoco
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