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Old 05-05-2009, 09:13 PM
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Brazilian Thread #14 ~ Valeu pelas gargalhadas, Gokey.

Criminal Minds é um suspense centrado numa equipe de elite do FBI especializada em analisar os perfis
dos mais temidos serial killers, antecipando seus próximos passos antes que eles voltem a atacar.


Mindhunter | -Supersonic- | Cris | Neide
Conspiracy | .: Dods:. | ~Carla~


"Agent Morgan fought to protect his identity from the very people who could save him -- Why? Because trust has to be earned, and there are very few people he truly trusts."

"Reid's intellect is a shield which protects him from his emotions..."

"...and at the moment his shield is under repair."

"Prentiss overcompensates because she doesn't yet feel she's a part of the team. She needn't worry."

"Every day, Agent Jareau fields dozens of requests for our team.
And every night she goes home hoping she's made the right choices."

"Garcia fills her office with figurines and color to remind herself to smile as the horror fills her screens."

"And Agent Gideon, in many ways, is damned by his profound knowledge of others. Which is why he shares so little of himself, yet he pours his heart into every case we handle."

"I stand by my actions, and I stand by my team. And if you think that you can find a better person for the job, good luck."

"You travelin'?"
"Where you headed?"
"Nowhere in particular."
"How will you know when you get there?"
"That's a good question ... Rose. That’s a very good question. Have a great day."

"I guess I'm just looking for it again. For the belief I had back in college. The belief I had when I first
met Sarah and it all seemed so right. The belief in happy endings."

"For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world, and although ambitions
are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won."


01. As mentes criminosas do Fan Forum!
02. Dando continuidade ao legado brasileiro no FF \o/
03. For the love of Camelot, David e Dominique!
04. Who decides who gets a second chance?
05. Remember we saved that girl, mate? Do you remember that? ♥
06. God bless Kara DioGuardi! ♥
07. Cadê Xoxó? Xoxó tái, Xoxó tá lá, Xoxó tá aqui, Xoxó tá em todo lugar!
11. WILDCARD COMING! Nick & Anoop FTW ♥
12. "She thinks I''m too critical. That's another fault of hers."
13. Falling slowly, sing your melody, I'll sing along ♥
ana ▸ goodreads
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