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Old 04-27-2009, 06:56 PM
autumn reverie
Absolute Fan

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Joined: May 2005
Posts: 6,950
Yay, you posted in here! Of course you can hug me Cook/JJ style (my fave )

to all the HBIC's :
to "the perv" for being an awesome mod, making me laugh last night with your manip, and suggesting "closer" for the c/em soft porn
to "that evil bitch" for making crazy cracktastic graphics, being our personal Jack stalker, and completely unsponging the fun
to "miss shallow" because we share the same brain and I have crazy fun going off on rants with you
ILY all like F loves D.

to Tar because I miss you around the board so much
to Ems because you're incredibly sweet and I'm glad to be co-modding with you now
to Kat (Shining Light) because you have brilliant shipping taste and you share my love of underdog ships (Sid/Chelle )
to Ana (Mindhunter) for being so friendly and nice. I love discussing Panda/Cook with you
to Claire (xLook.A.Pandax) for coming up with an amazing Cook/Katie S4 plan
to SLK89 because our talk about how we can insert ourselves between Cook and Emily had me cracking up, and hugs because you love Katie like I do!
to CosmicMassacre for inspiring SB and coming up with hilarious alternative storylines -- your Karen ep FTW. Haha and I loved your testimonial.
to Natashaxx always talking to me on the Naomi/Lily thread, and helping keep it alive
to I_Love_JennaJameson because I didn't get to talk to you today, and I missed you.
to ♥ Laura ♥ because you make amazing graphics and I love it when you come visit the CE thread.
to Dreia ( SkateGirl88) for your amazing Cook/Naomi video and I'm hoping to be on V_E more when my semester ends, so we can talk more.
to Nicole (sillyflower189) because you keep making wonderful Freddie/Katie fics and they deserve some love! And I love talking to you about F/K and C/N.
to Erin (Oh-Canada) because awhile ago we had a discussion and I enjoyed hearing your POV (even if I didn't agree). I thought it was interesting and you were really respectful and nice.

Lastly to everyone here on the board! It doesn't matter who your favorite character is or who your favorite couple is, I love you fierce. And in the name of Pope Meg and Cooksus, I bless you.

There are tons more, but that's just mostly who I talked to today or who I thought of off the top of my head!
...just when you almost gave up on your dreams...

Last edited by autumn reverie; 04-28-2009 at 06:46 AM
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