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Old 04-10-2009, 11:06 AM
New Fan
Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 88
Michelle took Cassie speed-dating with Effy and JJ to spice up their evening. Meanwhile, Freddie went looking for some mushrooms so Cook would smoke Karen's hairy old toothbrush whilst licking Katie's stomach. Meanwhile, Tony walked to a strip club because Jal was ignoring him because of his advances on Chris at Christmas. Rob Fitch repped, waiting for Emily and Naomi to finish their munch bunch but Naomi insisted she didn't stop sucking Emily's ginormous sucker. Later they went to Naomi's because Emily was fed up being ignored by Rob. "Reps" weren't something James wanted, underwear toppled to great epicness. Katie's stomach was toned because she sunbathed everyday in Africa among Thomas's elephants from dusk to dawn. Suddenly, a rhino appeared in a Mini-Cooper, honking at Pandora
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