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Old 04-09-2009, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Paul1984 (View Post)
I have one question. When Lapidis got hit what was that question about?

They asked "what lies in the shadow of the statue?" and I didn't understand that question being asked by them, or why they were so desperate to get guns. It occurred to me that maybe they've been on the island before too and somehow found out about the Ajira flight. Why else would they ask such a weird question about the statue?
Paul, my opinion on that question is that it was a code. Ilana and Bram must have come with a whole team of people on the plane. But for security reasons they might not have known who's involved in whatever they're about to pull off. So whoever employed them must have given them a secret question, which if the other person answers correctly, it would mean that he/she is a part of their conspiracy or whatever they are on the island to do. My guess is that they're Charles Widmore's people. It's just like the question Desmond asked of Locke in Season 2 " What did one snowman say to the other?" It was designed to be answered correctly only by Desmond's replacement for the Swan hatch.

As for what is the answer to the question "What lies in the shadow of the statue?", my guess is Jughead.

Where did you see this Bram guy amongst the Dharma inductees? I don't recall.
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