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Old 02-02-2005, 12:14 AM
Jade Hunter
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Originally Posted by *Circe*
So they get to pass around 4 girls among 14? How does that work? Every other weekday, alternate weekends...

That is just an STD breakout ready to happen.

Unless they only do each other, which in that case, would make this sort of clean.

It's ugly, at any rate, let's not think about that. Let's just think about the nice, beautiful, H/Hr sex.

Originally Posted by *Circe*
See, I LOATHED Gwen in these books. She was the antithesis of everything a woman should be; she was weak, and manipulative, and naive, and judgemental, and brainwashed...I *hated* her.

Which made it wonderful to love Gwen in the movie version with Clive...

See, the Lancelot I pictured as I read Mists was Orlando Bloom.

At least the way he looks in Pirates. Perfect Lancelot! Down to the way he talks, the mannerisms, the hair, the coloring, the height...(I hated the Mists of Avalon movie. Though I did love Ioan as in the Clive version.)

As I read the books, I was all for the Morgan le Fay cause. Morgaine was like that best one!

Did you read the other three books? I was completely obsessed with the second one for a while, you know, the one with Constantine and his mother Helena? The whole evolution from paganism to interesting! And then I went to Koeln and saw the thing thing and I was all happy...
Ugh, I pretty much loathe Guinevere/Gwenhwyfar in any incarnation...except the one from the King Arthur movie. That movie was awesome - I loved that line when she said, "Animals live! It's the natural state of any man to want to live free, in their own country." Very powerful words.

Of course, the presence of Ioan helped, and I completely fell in love with Tristan with his oriental sword, swish-swish moves, and that hawk.

::insert fangirl squeal of delight::


Anyway, yes, Morgaine was an absolute wonder in the book. I loved how Bradley returned her to the priestess/healer she was before medieval Christianity got a hold of the original legend and turned her into some evil sorceress. And even though Bradley went with Morgaine being Mordred's real mom instead of Morgause, she at least had Morgause raise Morded, being his mother figure, so I forgive her for the faux pas.

Ah, as for the other books, I haven't had the chance to read them yet. I should do that soon, but I'm a poor little college girl with no money. The thought of buying stuff sends me into tremors of horror.

Originally Posted by *Circe*
But intersting how the very introduction of Luna's character seems to quash any way Harry/Ginny could develop.

Not only do we now have a stronger Hermione Ginny would have to jump over to gain Harry's attention, but Luna as well.

In fact, Luna is a much more important character than Ginny, I would say, and shall become even more important.

Think about it; Luna is much more developed in ONE book, than Ginny is in 5. I find Luna to have morea of a personality than Ginny has; Ginny could be bloody anyone. So she likes Quidditch. Yes, of course, so does everyone else (except Hermione.) She is a female Fred/George...great! Cannot develop her own personality so she borrows from other people's.

The one great shot JKR had to develop Ginny, ONE, the whole CoS thing...and she brushes over it in like 2 lines in OotP and that's it!

Now Luna, she is an odd one, which is why Harry notices her. But if she is so odd, why didn't Harry notice her beforehand? Surely this odd of a person would have made her presence known beforehand...

Ahh yes, Harry has been off fighting EVIL in the last couple of books, saving his own and various other people's asses along the way and of course that takes his mind off inter-house relations...


So Luna quashes Ginny. But she still does not quash Hermione. Harry has yet to show any respect for any female other than Hermione; I think a big reason why his relationship with Cho failed (among many others) was because he did not respect the girl.

Until I see Harry actually respecting Luna or her abilities or anything of the sort...I wouldn't worry.
"First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down." - George Burns
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