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Old 04-01-2009, 08:43 PM
Master Fan

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Everyones added!

Thanks for the comments about the banner, by the way. I'm not the greatest at doing them But its fun

Add me to the list please. I loved him on "Heroes" when he played Zach. I really liked the dynamic between Zach and Claire.

Then I heard he wouldn't be back because of the Terminator show. I go back and forth about John Connor. Sometimes I love him, sometimes he's annoying. As the show goes on there are fewer and fewer annoying moments
I loved him on Heroes too. And boy, was I pissed when I found out his hair would be different this season of Terminator, cause I loved his longer hair But the short hair has grown on me,

Anyways...I think thats what we're supposed to see with this show, in a way... him growing into the man that everyone knows he becomes. Finding him annoying, but lately, less annoying is what they were going my mind anyways.

Like, he kicked ass when he was talking to Jessie. But then he broke down on the couch. I love seeing the different sides of him

"If I hadn't gone into acting, I would be a horsetrainer or a tunnel digger...or a swan"

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