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Old 04-01-2009, 08:09 PM
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What are they saying?!

Aww thanks Tally. we need help for our headaches.

Rob: I'm glad you like me for me, baby. I hate washing me hair. Really I do. I hear the dandruff look is in. Not that I care. There's just so much I'd rather be doing besides washing my hair. Like you, for instance. I saw naked pictures of myself half naked online the other day. Did you see them? I google myself a lot. And read fanfiction. A lot of girls touch their naughty parts while thinking of me.

Noooooo. I'm probably about to go to bed anyways
Kristen: I know you hate doing that but sometimes you have to do stuff you don't wanna do. You always wanna be doing me or smoking or hanging with Tom and being a bum. Gotta love your lige. You have a half naked picture of yourself on line?! how did they get those? I place those in a speical flie. And yeah you need to stop reading those fic and getting ideas. Who doesn't touch themsevles when they think about you?!

ยป and your my ever after, just thought
you should know
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