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Old 03-29-2009, 08:36 AM
Elite Fan

Joined: Oct 2007
Posts: 34,279
; Twin Flame Soulmates ;
There is incredible chemistry and attraction towards each other.
They "complete" each other and only few lucky people are able to find their twin flame soulmate.
Twin flame soulmates, if separated, usually suffer enormous pain.

; How They Met
Maybe they were doing art as toddlers and Nate was missing one color in his crayon box... yellow.
Serena happened to sit near him and so he tried borrowing from her. He forgot what it was called because
he couldn't read yet and so the first words he ever spoke to her was:

HEY, what color is your hair?
Do you have yellow?
Can I borrow?
Thank you. I'll draw you with your yellow hair.
The color of your eyes are blue. I'll draw you with your blue eyes. They're very pretty.
You have very pretty hair.
Thank you.

unofficial soundtracks

01. No Air - Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown

02. Broken - Lifehouse
03. When Will I See Your Face Again - Jamie Scott & The Town
04. Better Than Me - Hinder
05. All Fall Down - One Republic
06. When I'm With You - Faber Drive
07. Carry You Home - James Blunt
08. Everything - Alanis Morisette
09. Always Be My Baby - David Cook
10. How Can I Not Love You - Joy Enriquez
11. Hold Me Now - Rea Garvey

book moments

What makes them so special to any other couple on GG, maybe even on whole TV?
They're special in GG, cause they have the thing that no other couple in the show has had. The thing that they have always been in love, they just haven't realized it much. I am not saying that they're the only couple in GG that loves each other. But they're special in some way..
TheSweetestSmile ;;
What makes them so special to any other couple on GG, maybe even on whole TV?
They were childhood sweethearts who had stolen each others hearts without realizing since they were like, five. They cared, supported and understood one another’s actions. They saw the best and the worst in each other and accepted one another for who they were.
starznangelz ;;
What makes them so special to any other couple on GG, maybe even on whole TV?
The chemistry is an important factor but most of all the story of their love is so complex and beautiful; you cannot help to fall for them.
LiveinLove~ ;;

What makes them so special to any other couple on GG, maybe even on whole TV?
I feel like they're just so perfect for one another - they make each other happy in a way that no one else can. Nate accepts Serena, the good and the bad. And she brightens up his life and lets him be free from all the restrictions around them. I just think together they can balance each other out - be that safe place that they've both been looking for. Plus Chace/Blake chemistry owns me.
Vilandra-N-Kivar-lover ;;
What makes them so special to any other couple on GG, maybe even on whole TV?
Nate and Serena has a relationship that is quite compelling to watch. It's not something that is two-dimensional or just merely black and white. It's a burst of colors that would leave one just spell-bounded. One doesn't necessarily complete the other because they are already whole as a character in themselves but when they are together - it's something that is so undeniably obvious - they just SHINE. Their connection needs no words. They share comfortable silences because of their seep friendship and yet they also share tension-filled silences because of their raw and subtly powerful love for each other. Plus, the chemistry is just there ten times ten to the tenth power between the two actors.
SergeantPepper ;;
What makes them so special to any other couple on GG, maybe even on whole TV?
For me, they are "the special two", the Prince and the Princess of the UES .It seems like they have a sort of "golden aura" that appears only when they're together. Serena lights up and Nate can't help but staring at her like she is the most precious thing in the world.
I really love this about them.
Lyssie88 ;;
Favorite Moments;;

"For nobody else, gave me a thrill - with all your faults, I love you still.
It had to be you, wonderful you, it had to be you.

Frank Sinatra

"There they go again, making history."
♥ Gossip Girl


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* Because with just a few short scenes, they've captured our hearts.
* Because she left for a year, and he didn't get over her.
* Coz she wanted to take a bath and he stayed in the bathroom.
* Because "my heart’s crippled by the vein that I keep on closing."
* "Why did I choose these mistakes to make? Because it's you."
* "Coz lookin' back I realize it was always there, just never spoken."
* Because "you weren't happy the day I watched you go."
* Coz "beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth.. I loved you first."
* Because "you are my sweetest downfall.. I loved you first."
* Coz "I'm falling more in love with every single word I withhold."
* Because he had her at HEY!
* Shove em' in a room full of champagne. Oh the magic that'll happen.
* Because we will never look at barstools the same way.
* Because he's seen her with vomit in her hair and still loved her.
* Because "I can still see your reflection inside my eyes."
* Because he always catches her when she falls.
* "I really miss ur hair in my face & the way ur innocence tastes."
* Coz "I can't pretend I won't think about you when I'm older."
* "Whenever ur world starts crashing down, that's when u'll find me."
* "Cause we never really had our closure, this can't be the end."
* Because she never looked as beautiful as she did in his shirt.
* Because they are part time lovers and full time friends.
* Because they have the hottest chemistry on the show
* Because "what I resist, persists, and speaks louder than I know."
* Because "what I resist, you love, no matter how low or high I go."
* Because still I wait for you to see the light.
* Because I've been waiting for you for too long.
* Because their story hasn't even begun.
* Because this much sexual chemistry has to go somewhere.
* Because when you're with me, I lose all my fears.
* Because you ignite my soul.
* Because the truth is hiding in your eyes.
* Because Barbie and Ken need to make a comeback.
* Because tonight you're on fire; I'm going to never get tired.
* Because every thing's so wrong and I don't belong living in your precious memory.
* Are you lost ma'am? Because heaven is a long way from here.
* Do you have a map? I just keep on getting lost in your eyes.
* Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!!
* Hey...somebody farted. Let's get out of here.
* If you were a tear in my eye I would not cry for fear of losing you.
* If I received a nickel for everytime I saw someone as beautiful as you, I'd have five cents.
* Do you work at subway? Because you just gave me a footlong!
* If you were a burger at McDonald's you'd be the McGorgeous.
* When everything is said and done, somehow you are still the one
* My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me
* Because we want NS in science classes together..even though they don't need Chemistry lessons!

♥ Header: Laura ♥ Layout: Lisa ♥ art 'forbidden love': Natasha ♥ Shippers/Reasons/Website art: Laura ♥ art 'just might love you': Natasha ♥ art 'Colorful': Dylan
♥ Season 1 moments: Laura ♥ Blog art: Lisa ♥ Latest Moment animation: Natasha ♥ Favorite moments arts: Ross ♥ moon art: Giuly ♥ Chace/Blake art: Mariella
♥ Dopey & Bunnies art: Laura ♥ Oh Yeah!/Oh No!: Laura ♥ Dictionary art: Laura ♥ Dictionary: Lisa ♥ past & upcoming titles: Lisa ♥ Serenate 100 arts: Natasha

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Last edited by jesaispas; 03-29-2009 at 08:57 AM
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