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Old 03-13-2009, 05:28 AM
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xXxCaycexXx's Avatar
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 21,477
OMG! to me that is so strange that you dont know what Milo is! i grew up on the stuff. its like chocolate powder that you put into milk and mix it with thats my ringtone as well

Do you still sometimes try and watch pooh bears corner?
Who was your favorite character?
I have Eeyore Pjs. Jealous

P.S you forgot amys questions
this is her post
Well, I'll make you try Vegemite! it's great on toast. But most people that aren't Aussies tend to smother the toast with Vegemite like it's jam or something. So, i'll have to make it for you so it's just the right amount.

What are your plans for friday?
What would you say to me in RL if you were here right now?
What is your idea of bliss?
When was the last time you were really happy?
When was the last time you were doubting yourself? Why?
Have you written my letter yet?
What was the last thing you said aloud?
What was the last look you gave somebody and who was it? Eg, bitchface, rolleyes etc.
What games do you like to play when you're drunk?
I'll write your name in bullets so you're the last thing through my head.
Icon: Ghost.Of.You
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