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Old 03-04-2009, 04:15 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Dec 2004
Posts: 45,031
Here's my male profiles. Rebecca, you forgot to add Giselle to the first post (unless if you want me to bump her age to the minimum)

Name: Donovan Cassidy
Age: 38
Rank Detective
Personality: Though open minded, Donovan isn't one to easily open up to anyone, except the very few he could find himself close to. On the outside exterior, he is not afraid to be straight forward and blunt, especially with his colleagues.
Brief History: Donovan was born and raised in the upper east side of Manhattan, he had not intended to get himself in the world of law enforcement (although crime cases of sorts had his interest). Initially, he was pursuing a career in becoming a musician, having been musically inclined with the piano and cello. He stumbled upon working as a detective upon accident when he had actually looked for working in their office as a side job to make ends meet at age 19. But after having helped assist officers in one of the high profile case involving a former friend he had once knew, Donovan decided to take up going in to law enforcement full time and after years of training and experience, both physically and mentally, he had moved up the ranks to become a detective. Gone were the days of having to perform with his music but the desire in that had not died out.
Relationships TBD
Played By: Valentino Lanus

Name: Jessie Bryant
Age: 35
Rank N/A
Personality: Jessie has an uncanny ability to be charming and persuasive, something rather useful if he had chosen to be a business or salesman. But like the stories of Jekyll and Hyde, he has a double personality and would get violent when it came to his killings.
Brief History: Jessie Bryant is one of the many aliases this sleuth criminal goes under. Born in New Jersey, he was often shifted from one foster home to another until he was placed with a family at the age of 13. His adoptive mother had often treated him much different than she did for her biological children. Which isn't exactly the greatest thing when said adoptive mother had often taunted and intimidated him. At the age of 17, he left his foster home after he took care of the problem behind his back. Although he had started in his mid twenties, mostly of minor crimes of stalking and harassment towards young women, Jessie is usually on the road traveling finding a more calculating and creative way to kill his victims. Recently, he has taken up his passion for art and hiring models for his own use before he's done with them. With the constant move he has to make to prevent himself from being caught by the cops, Jessie usually alters his appearance.
Relationships TBD
Played By: Mark-Paul Gosselaar
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