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Old 02-18-2009, 09:03 PM
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I didn't think so at first, but I got your point when I read the 'point to the right person and push some buttons'
glad you got it; it's not pretty when people don't get it

but then I get used to the people/place... and I just go a bit crazy
Well, I do that too, but I don't know if I could be able to fake sadness, or madness or happiness like actors do with 50 persons watching me

Basically I'm whiter than I was before I love it, though.
I hate it I want some colour! unfortunately, whenever I am under the sun, I get lobster-red not all cute and tanned

Reason #132 why I should move out of here: it's sunny EVERY FREAKING DAY
believe me, it is not sunny here well, somedays, but not every single day! Thank God!

I knew you wouldn't resist that one
what can I say? I dig smart, pretty women with guns
Snow White ღ Prince Charming

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